New Grower 1st Time Grower ILGM Grandaddy Purple Auto in 3gallon fabric

I thought this strain would be the best for me and my woman and purple is our fav color so it was a no brainer at that point, I'm glad i made the right choice. My tent is in a big closet so its dark when it needs to be.
Since most of you thought I needed more light I bought another light it will be here tomorrow :cool1:. Should I go ahead and turn it on now or wait until flower?

u can never have too much light :idea: ppp
day 3 pics sorry for quality, my phone is not the best.

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This is a wild card, seed from a local sack. growing it just to have a cool houseplant that adds some personality to our empty living room (new home) i'll remove it from the tent when the babies get bigger and need the space

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I'd run both lights at 100% intensity but at least 30" away. I run a more powerful light 40 inches away from seedlings, rarely do I need to move it again. The plants grow into the light and eventually get 15" that point I raise it up another 10 inches.

You will learn what works best for your particular lights.
Thx guys, both lights on it is. i'm kinda leaning on this community to eyeball my mistakes on watering and lighting , i'm sure i will learn the ways, just takes time.
Thx guys, both lights on it is. i'm kinda leaning on this community to eyeball my mistakes on watering and lighting , i'm sure i will learn the ways, just takes time.
Jealous of the GDP mate, I'd love to grow it one of these days. Sounds like you already have all the advice you need, so carry on, and I look forward to seeing how she turns out! :pighug:
day 4, gave them some water and i put the clear cups in some bigger plactic cups until i get around to buying red solos or duct taping the clears later.

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I tried to edit my 1st post to add my tent pics but it would not let me so another post it is.

My setup so far

Day 5, Gave them a drink and noticed some nice roots growing on the bottom and sides of bottom of clear cup :cooldance:

Since adding the 2nd light I notice my temps max at 84f at bottom of tent and 81f at top of tent with the home being 70f. I hope this to be the worst this gets because this is with no A/C which will change when spring hits us here soon.

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