New Grower 1st Time Grower ILGM Grandaddy Purple Auto in 3gallon fabric

day 6. Should i maintain 30-36 inches away from the light or let them grow into it?
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Maintain that distance if the light intensity is at 100%......If u can dim it down (50-60%) you can bring it closer, another foot closer.
Day 7 end of week 1. Small amount of moisture at bottom of cup, i will water them later today.

They are growing slower than expected but i am still happy with their growth. I am starting to see roots poking out the drain holes in 2 of the 4 solo cups. Should I transplant soon or wait until i have more nodes and root growth?

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As soon as the tap root hits the bottom of ur Solo cups it's time to transplant carefully.

PREPARE the soil u will be using. Maybe a root stimulator, if u have one. Moisten the hole where u plan on planting into. I add Real Growers "Recharge" into the hole. So the tap root grows quickly.
Ok cool I'll start preparing my 3 gallons then. I ordered some big foot inoculant yesterday and will be here today. Should i transplant at a certain time, early/mid/late day or whenever i'm ready?
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Whenever you're ready, growme!

If you have the soil primed and ready drop em in!
Day 8

I transplanted last night but I think I might need to start over now. I started with the red tag plant and I thought her being dry would be easy to swap to her new home, wrong, not enough roots to hold the soil together. After cutting the solo cup to get her, the soil fell apart and plant and roots went limp in my hand, worst transplant ever. The other 3 plants i watered a bit before trying and they worked better but i still worry about them being in shock. I learned what to do next time if i use solo cups (prep the cup) so this grow was not a waste but now i wonder if i should just ditch them and start over (16 seeds left) or see how long they are stunted for.
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Not sure how you transplant, I flip the solo cup upside down and hold it, then drop it upside right into the hole I dug in my final container.

You will undoubtedly make mistakes on your first grow, mostly all of us do. ( If you water the solo cup prior to planting it comes out a bit easier flipped upside down. )
Day 9

I'll try the upside down method if i ever try solo cups again. I just thought the soil was to loose for it and tried other things like cutting the cup. :face: Everything was not wanting to stay together so i opted to try and cut it out starting with the drain holes then went up the sides, i got better with each cup i did but i just feel i stressed them out although they seem to be doing fine, time will tell.
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Day 10

Green and Blue seem to be doing good, not sure about yellow and red.
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