New Grower 1st Grow- DP Auto Durban Posion LED Grow

One think to note, is that I used the same water to water the other plant and it looks fine. The BG soil stays wet longer do to the pot, so this could just be an under watering issue, easily fixed with more watering for the smart pot.
Plants under LED lights definitely definitely need ca/mg bro. You can usually go first two weeks without any nutes or ca/mg but after that time to start giving her some food. She's telling you she needs something and your acting upon it.! Let us know after you hit her with ca/mg!

Doing a great job! Keep it up!!
Hey yall so yesterday I noticed the start of what I think is my first real problem. It all started with small discoloring of one of the new leaves. After doing a lot of research on defficianies I narrowed it down to either Cal MG (seems early) or a boron(Ik rare) problem. I ordered CAL MG, and it will arrive Saturday so if that is the issues great. But it seems a little early in my plants life (day 19) for there to be a calmg issue. Also the yellowing is on new growth not on bigger older leaves. Upon returning home I noticed that some of the edges of new leaves have also started curling and bending funky leading me to really believe this is a boron issue.
Here is a pic of what I am talking about
View attachment 713494
The spots are spreading to other leaves in the area, and there is a tiny hole straight through the leaf under the top one that is circled.
I am thinking that cause of this boron issue, if it truly is one, was the dry spell I had while I was away, the plants seemed in need of water, and the rh dropped as low as 16% maybe even lower. It also could have been that I screwed up my ph level on my last water.

I think the answer is to just check my ph meter and water more. I haven't watered since Sunday. Let me know if y'all think I am correct in my assessment of the problem and solution. @Waira @jingo @Slater @Burr_nit @Benjamin Squier What do you think? Thanks!

Difficult to see but I think it looks all OK to me...looking good sir
You using straight Tap water then Ph'ing it same time?
I'm no pro so you can take my info with a grain of salt...
You should leave your water to stand in the sun for like 24 hours or so, I know my tap water is hard, and as I result think that cause some minor stunting to my plants, veins going yellow
after leaving my water in the sun for a while, the new growth seems quite happy no yellowing of the veins or the like also started feeding nutes a bit stronger so that could also be an added bonus. Helps with the evaporation of chlorine and all that. but yeah Cal/Mg is a must for LED / COB grows.
Thanks for all the help y'all! I have calibration solution arriving today so am going to re-calibrate my ph meter and make sure that is taken care of.
You using straight Tap water then Ph'ing it same time?
I'm no pro so you can take my info with a grain of salt...
You should leave your water to stand in the sun for like 24 hours or so, I know my tap water is hard, and as I result think that cause some minor stunting to my plants, veins going yellow
after leaving my water in the sun for a while, the new growth seems quite happy no yellowing of the veins or the like also started feeding nutes a bit stronger so that could also be an added bonus. Helps with the evaporation of chlorine and all that. but yeah Cal/Mg is a must for LED / COB grows.
I have been leaving the water out for 24 hr, although last water I may have rushed a little as the plants needed water. But will get back to that regiment. I think it is most certainly CalMg issue, as her growth seems to be fine. Hopefully after I water tomorrow with her first dose of calmg everything will be fine.

On a separate note do y'all think it is time to start LST her? Or should I wait till i fix the calmg problem. Not sure if the lst will stress her out so as to make the calmg issue worse. Is that how these things work?
Here are pics of the ffof plant, she is on day 20 now.
Day 20 FFOF.jpg
Day 20 Aerial.jpg
Hey thanks for the tag - I've been pushing molasses, almost from the fart (yup.). I think it's (the reddish purpling) is a causation of temperature, though I did see calcium mentioned *some*where. All I know is that I think I might possibly put this in my dirt next time (sowwy about the taco neck)
Hey y'all gave ffof plant first calmg feed earlier today and noticed these...
Day 21 Hermie question.jpg

only 21 days in and already she hermied? IS that was this is? what do I do?
You get little calyxes at the nodes sometimes you can see the little hairs coming out of the center. Not a Hermie it's just an indication that the plant is mature enough to flower I suppose she's going to start stretching now.