Indoor 1st Grow - BlackBerry & NLxBB - T5

Few pictures for day 30. The purple on one of the black berry is very cool looking, the other 2 black berry haven't shown any purple yet.
NL X BB is still doing its own thing. I think the Black Berry must be a fast bloomer or something because they have way more buds going on than the NL x BB
Thanks for the replies about the carbon filter guys, I guess I will have to invest in that soon.
But I have seen a few different posts about them and how to set them up, like do I hang the carbon filter, then put the inline fan directly to that, then ducting out the tent and out the window?
Or is it carbon filter up top, ducting, fan outside of the tent, ducting out the window?
If anyone has a drawing of it made up, I would appreciate that

It's all personal preference. I set mine up with the filter directly going into the fan. Works for me
FairPlay mate your grow is looking shit hot so far! My nlxbb hasn't entered veg stage yet, still at seedling phase but my last grow on super skunk done the same. Just thought I'd add a pic here of my filter set up if you still need any tips on it. I've gone as basic as I could with this.
Hope this helps!
