Thanks for stopping by Puddentane, I will check yours out as well. Excited to see what this NL x BB will do. When I first planted, it was the biggest for a few days, but then the Black Berry took over. NL has stayed short and bushy.This should be a good ride to follow. We are 1 day apart in the same size space. I got one of Herbies NL X BB going as well. Tormenting the devil out of her at the moment trying to get some action going on the branchlets. Different lights so I look forward to being able to learn and observe as you go along. Cheers.
Thanks Eekman! Yes these are both autoflower strains.Oh Hello, you are doing great.
Keep it up, if you need anything just ask. You can also use the live Staff live help thread if you need to.
Are these Autoflowers?