Fast Buds 1'st FastBuds Grow LSD-25 & West Coast OG

The ponytailing looks perfect I'm sure you are seeing the results it doesn't take very long. And I would feed 5 or more days @1ml/L then go up to 1.5 and watch. I'm sure they will handle the 1.5 by day 25 then once they are doing a little better and getting bigger then you'll most likely be able to go to 2ml/L that's where MOST of my strains stay
Thank you it means alot:cheers: and yea i check them about 4-5 times a day because fortunately i am able to, and i can def. see growth in the branches. currently im leaving the ponytails in for about 5-7 hrs. and that nute sched sounds like a plan. i should continue with the carboload,rhino skin,b-52 and sensizyme at 1ml/l as per tang's new sched. correct? and if my soil ph is usually resting "dry" at 6.9-7 watering/feeding should be ph'd a little lower than normal right? i.e. 6.2-6.4?:thanks: again man!
I don't use Carbo load til flowering but to each there own. The plants love AN you'll be fine and yes the addatives are generally not the reason your plants burn the base nutes take care of that.

What soil are you using? And I used to ph my feeds but no longer do. All I do is mix my nutes let sit and buffer for 1 hr then feed. They take care of the rest.

Don't worry about the traffic man. It's a tight knit community I think I had 5 or 6 people post on my first thread but just keep growing and posting with pics and precise updates they will come .... especially in flower when the excitement starts
I don't use Carbo load til flowering but to each there own. The plants love AN you'll be fine and yes the addatives are generally not the reason your plants burn the base nutes take care of that.
What soil are you using? And I used to ph my feeds but no longer do. All I do is mix my nutes let sit and buffer for 1 hr then feed. They take care of the rest.
Don't worry about the traffic man. It's a tight knit community I think I had 5 or 6 people post on my first thread but just keep growing and posting with pics and precise updates they will come .... especially in flower when the excitement starts
i was under the impression that the carboload feeds the micros i put in the soil with piranha and tarantula? or do i only use it when i use the micros? and ok ill continue the additives i was just playing it safe lastnight. the soil im usng consists of 2 parts: and inner and outer core. the outer consists of 50% FFOF, 30% jiffy seedling mix and 20% perlite with dolomite lime added to take care of the shifty FFOF soild PH(it came in the bag at 5.4ish i think) and the INNER core consits of 100% jiffy seedling mix. i ised a prego spagetti sauce jar to make the hole for the inner core... and i was just thinking of PHing feeds to cover a wider PH range in the soil as it dries/get absorbed. pure speculation of a thing i HAVENT been doing is buffering my feed water in the beginning but i read that using rhino skin its best to let your nute solution sit for some hrs. i let it sit overnight(8 hrs or so) with a airstone in the jug
Good deal yeah just feed his schedule and you'll be fine.

I always go with a promix blend until this time I'm running coco. But I prefer soils with 0 to no nutes. Now that I hear your soil I would be VERY weary of going to 2ml/L the FFOF has nutrients and you cannot control how much of that your plant is getting on top of what you are feeding. Just take it easy

You do what works for you but in the future look into a medium like promix. You can use the feed schedules that are out there for AN and you know exactly what they are getting, at what quantity and when. This give you total control and when you have ANY problem running AN and promix it's easily solved and there's NO mystery of what's in the soil before hand
Good deal yeah just feed his schedule and you'll be fine.

I always go with a promix blend until this time I'm running coco. But I prefer soils with 0 to no nutes. Now that I hear your soil I would be VERY weary of going to 2ml/L the FFOF has nutrients and you cannot control how much of that your plant is getting on top of what you are feeding. Just take it easy

You do what works for you but in the future look into a medium like promix. You can use the feed schedules that are out there for AN and you know exactly what they are getting, at what quantity and when. This give you total control and when you have ANY problem running AN and promix it's easily solved and there's NO mystery of what's in the soil before hand
ok so i should feed as you suggested at 1ml/l till day 25(i feed/water 500ml every other day at the moment) then the next feed will be 1.5 even tho im using the soil mix i am correct? and i already gave away the rest of that FFOF! haha i will be probably using the ProMix HP for my next grow for the reasons you have stated.
:) THANK YOU again for your help and time A-Train!
No problem that's what we're here for my man. In the FF shit I would stay at 1ml a little longer bud. As more roots get into the FF they will take up more. Maybe day 30 up them again just to be safe
the day 32 mark would be when i feed sensibloom nutes. now when i do that what would you reccomend i start at because of the FF? i believe that s my last question at this time haha
The ponytailing looks perfect I'm sure you are seeing the results it doesn't take very long. And I would feed 5 or more days @1ml/L then go up to 1.5 and watch. I'm sure they will handle the 1.5 by day 25 then once they are doing a little better and getting bigger then you'll most likely be able to go to 2ml/L that's where MOST of my strains stay
ok i mixed my feed solution up for tomorrow and it ph'd at 5.8 so i upped it to 6.2 and the PPM's was 425! how is it higher then when i was adding less nutes?
Just thought I would pop in and say that those are some beautiful lady's you got there! Can't wait to see how they look in a month or so
Thank you @Ivorydoom420 !!! and shiiiit your not the only one brotha!
OK so after a LONG time of slowly working throughout the day with them i got them pony tailed and all leaves tucked! holy shit was that some tough but beautiful art work.. its like doing origami with plants! haha anyways here's some pics for you pic hungry plant loving ppl out there! I'll get more tomorrow as my knee pain was coming back from working on them
Not too bad for a total noob. What do you guys think???:)
West Coast OG
