Indoor 1sr Grow! Auto-Bomb Fem Organic Hydro stealth closet.

Don't stress bro sometimes you may get some delayed help but someone will come help you for sure. I know when things aren't going as you hoped help never comes quick enough. My questions are is she flowering yet? If not are you feeding her nutes now? What kind of soil are you using? If she hasn't started showing pistils and you're feeding you may be burning her and feeding too early. I have never heard of germination/transplant nutes so I'm not sure what those are. You shouldn't feed autos with anything but pH'd water until they show sex but this really is all relative to your soil and set up. Wish I could help you more but I know one of the Masters will come on in and help you soon man. Hang in there!
Hey Thanks so much WestVirginiaRebel, I appreciate it!
OK so it is a hydro setup so she is in a mix of Hydroton and an organic medium, and also I am using only organic nutes. Wasn't aware that I shouldn't be feeding her anything until she flowers. In the joint doctors journal it said you can feed autos with germ/transplant nutes tilt hey flower. Anyway those Nutes are basically Kelp, I think, Called Kelpak. Anyway she is 3 weeks old so meant to start flowering but hasn't yet, but anyway I am only using organic Nutes when I do start. Also before I went to sleep last night I figured it may well be a lack of nutes, so gave her the first dose of vegetative nutrients and it seems she hasn't gotten any worse. Thanks so much for your input though I figure I will have to kind of wait it out. I will also try get a camera to take pics of the problem.
Thanks again man!

---------- Post added 09-23-2011 at 09:13 AM ----------

hey mate - hope going well
Im by no means experienced enough to tell you one way or the other but if you can post pics they are a big help to those in the know. This one might help also Its a thread I know I need to do a bit more reading of...


Thanks Glaucoma!
I am going to try get some pics a little later, difficult cos I don't own a camera, but my roommate does so I have to wait til he gets back.
Anyway thanks for the link I will take a look and hopefully learn something.
No problem bro. That very well could be your problem. Hydro or Soil you still should wait to show sex until you feed from what I understand. However, I don't know of your brands and of the germ/trans nutes so definitely wait for a more experienced growers opinion. I just know from personal experience feeding before they show sex with autos usually results in a bad burn. Also be very aware that Organics will take longer to show any signs of burn or deficiency. Even though in theory it's "harder" to burn your plants with organics you still can, and can burn them badly. Especially when they aren't ready for it. Again I know this from personal experience. LOL

Since Autos go straight to flowering they usually have more than enough nutes in the grow medium to last them until they sex. Then after that you feed. Also another important thing is autos don't have that "recovery time" like photos do so every little thing that sets them back is permanent and you can't change that. You will have to deal with the stunting and reduced yields. I know some growers do feed from the very beginning but I don't recommend it. That's just my :2cents: but everyone grows differently. I too grow totally organic so this is why I'm trying to help you narrow things down as best I can. The earlier you catch things the better. Hopefully you will get the desired answers you seek soon. Best of luck man! :smokebuds:
:howdy:bro i like the set up for sure i would be worry about that ballast unit so close i would have it out said bro or hang it up form the water pots that my :2cents: on what i can see bro,
but it looking very good :peace:
No problem bro. That very well could be your problem. Hydro or Soil you still should wait to show sex until you feed from what I understand. However, I don't know of your brands and of the germ/trans nutes so definitely wait for a more experienced growers opinion. I just know from personal experience feeding before they show sex with autos usually results in a bad burn. Also be very aware that Organics will take longer to show any signs of burn or deficiency. Even though in theory it's "harder" to burn your plants with organics you still can, and can burn them badly. Especially when they aren't ready for it. Again I know this from personal experience. LOL

Since Autos go straight to flowering they usually have more than enough nutes in the grow medium to last them until they sex. Then after that you feed. Also another important thing is autos don't have that "recovery time" like photos do so every little thing that sets them back is permanent and you can't change that. You will have to deal with the stunting and reduced yields. I know some growers do feed from the very beginning but I don't recommend it. That's just my :2cents: but everyone grows differently. I too grow totally organic so this is why I'm trying to help you narrow things down as best I can. The earlier you catch things the better. Hopefully you will get the desired answers you seek soon. Best of luck man! :smokebuds:

Wow. That's a lot to take in.. :) Anyway thanks a lot, this also explains a lot. Also great you know organic so well because all I really read anywhere is that it's very difficult to burn them, but not much else. Also I never realised that about stunting and the reduced yields, I already think she is slightly stunted as her very first leaves were quite bent, but healthy at the same time, and I really hope this doesn't set her back too much.
After what you have said I am almost certain then that this was an organic nute burn, as I was feeding her Kelpak from about a week. The thing I don't understand is she has been growing really well though and looking super healthy up until now, so is it possible that the time it has taken for the nutes to do damage she is also still benefiting and growing well? Do you think I should I flush the roots now since I fed her vegetative nutes last night or should I just leave her now and watch to see for any changes?
Also based on that self diagnosis link the one it looks the most like is the Nute burn right at the bottom of the page.
Thanks again man I'm just very worried about her, so appreciate your help.
:howdy:bro i like the set up for sure i would be worry about that ballast unit so close i would have it out said bro that my :2cents:
but it looking good :peace:

Thanks Kudo! Will the ballast affect the plants negatively? If so I will move it out, I kept it inside cos I wanted to try keep everything self-contained.
I can't speak for Kudo but I assume he meant because the ambient heat the ballast gives off it will raise your temps higher and you'd be at risk of fire. Yes I have read too lots of places you can't burn with organic nutes or it's hard but I have to disagree. Especially from my experience. The things I told you are all things I learned on my first grow so trying to help you learn from my mistakes :D If it was me I would flush. If you can get some distilled water or rain water would be perfect. The distilled water will help strip all the excess nutes out so she won't continue to burn every time you water. Make sure you use double the amount of water per your container... So for example if you are using a 1 gallon pot use 2 gallons of distilled water to flush. If you want to "feed" your seedlings in the future the safest way with Autos is to purchase some kinda of Myco or Beneficial Bacteria powder that is NOT a nute but it is a high powered inoculant that will feed your roots. It won't burn them or harm your plant in any way. If you want more info I can give you some links for you to check out. I use it, lots of the Masters use it. There are many brands and we basically all use our own stuff but they are all very good. Also, if you must transplant or you need to to weed out males or for space you can tier transplant which is a Non Stress way of transplanting and you can do it and basically not harm or stunt your plants.

It is a lot of stuff to throw at you I know lol but I'm right there with you bro. I started at the end of May and I can't tell you how much I've learned and I'm more than willing to help you any way I can. If you need anything PM me or just post it here. I'm subbed and I'm sure you will get all the help you need. Kudo is a Master and I would take his words seriously too. No one here will put you in the wrong direction. We are all here to help bro. :D

If you want to check out a Myco product here's the one I use...

Just for reference... Yo udon't have to go out and buy that one. Any myco product with similar ingredients will help your seedlings out tremendously. Especially organics!
Damn that might be my problem. I have burned a few and I have no sex shown on any of y Auto's except my Biggest Auto Northern Light girl who is like 48 days.
And even that's just barely showing.
Yea maybe the Nutes before they showed sex was a bad idea. I also noticed that the kind of light you pop the seeds under affect the sex way easier than Photo's. I know that for next time as well.
I got 3 AA males of 10 seeds and only like 6 that popped so now Maybe 3 females.... I think...
Hope your run turns out better than mine bro!
I can't speak for Kudo but I assume he meant because the ambient heat the ballast gives off it will raise your temps higher and you'd be at risk of fire. Yes I have read too lots of places you can't burn with organic nutes or it's hard but I have to disagree. Especially from my experience. The things I told you are all things I learned on my first grow so trying to help you learn from my mistakes :D If it was me I would flush. If you can get some distilled water or rain water would be perfect. The distilled water will help strip all the excess nutes out so she won't continue to burn every time you water. Make sure you use double the amount of water per your container... So for example if you are using a 1 gallon pot use 2 gallons of distilled water to flush. If you want to "feed" your seedlings in the future the safest way with Autos is to purchase some kinda of Myco or Beneficial Bacteria powder that is NOT a nute but it is a high powered inoculant that will feed your roots. It won't burn them or harm your plant in any way. If you want more info I can give you some links for you to check out. I use it, lots of the Masters use it. There are many brands and we basically all use our own stuff but they are all very good. Also, if you must transplant or you need to to weed out males or for space you can tier transplant which is a Non Stress way of transplanting and you can do it and basically not harm or stunt your plants.

It is a lot of stuff to throw at you I know lol but I'm right there with you bro. I started at the end of May and I can't tell you how much I've learned and I'm more than willing to help you any way I can. If you need anything PM me or just post it here. I'm subbed and I'm sure you will get all the help you need. Kudo is a Master and I would take his words seriously too. No one here will put you in the wrong direction. We are all here to help bro. :D

If you want to check out a Myco product here's the one I use...

Just for reference... Yo udon't have to go out and buy that one. Any myco product with similar ingredients will help your seedlings out tremendously. Especially organics!

Awesome, thanks a lot man..I really do appreciate it. Because so many people have so many opinions and autos are really specific it makes things difficult.
Cool with the ballast I do really want to keep it in the cupboard for stealth reasons, so may have to figure out a different way to sort it out. Possibly put everything on a shelf and the ballast below. My temps are really good though and I think cos the cupboard is metal and there is good venting, and I know it's bad but I don't have a thermometer yet, just waiting for some cash tbh.. :)

Thanks again I will look into the Myco stuff, I only have one store here that has any hydro supplies or nutrients etc so they may have it, but most likely not.
I will definitely take your advice on my new seedlings and just give them water til they flower. I also appreciate Kudo even checking my grow out, I just wanted to see what exactly the ballast may do, but am super grateful for all advice. I also only transplanted because I mistakenly didn't sow her into the final pot. The 'transplant nutes' I kept speaking of is basically just kelp I think and they also say it's for germination. Difficult to tell cos the same store I mentioned make it, but guaranteed it can't harm any plant, hard to tell them it's for pot though :D I did use it to germ and it seemed to work...maybe I will just stick to tried and tested next time!

Cool well thanks again bro and to everyone that's helped. Anyway she is doing well so far, I have flushed the roots and although there is some damage it seems all new growth is fine and she is still growing strong. The only thing is I think all this various stress has stopped her autoing, or set her back? She is 26 days old today and no signs of budding yet. I don't really mind though I will let her go at her own pace I think...
Will send some updates with pics in the next couple days and let you all know how she is. Thanks again!