Indoor 1sr Grow! Auto-Bomb Fem Organic Hydro stealth closet.

I do not recommend using tobacco on or around your plants. Even handling tobacco with your hands and then touching your plants puts them at risk for Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) - not harmful to humans but can seriously hurt your plants & yield.

Thanks Buddha! I actually got the same advice from the owner of my local Hydro store. So don't worry I forgot about that comment and have never or will never let that foul substance near my plants!
Managed to control the mites with the bacteria I mentioned though, not get rid of them, but controlled it very well.
Sticky! How's thing going bro? :smokebuds:

Hey West thanks for dropping in Bud! I have been terrible with updates lately, I think it's come with a bit of increased confidence. I have just harvested, after a three week battle with mites I managed to hold them off long enough to get my buds nice and fat and have a totally unaffected yield of 37 Grams! Not bad but there is a lot I need to still get right based on how the curing is looking so far. I followed TBM's harvesting and curing method so smelling so great and looks awesome but density dropped quite a bit during drying! I will upload the pics I have of her just before harvest and the harvest after trimming.

I now have my second lady who is exactly 4 weeks old tomorrow, also an autobomb....and at three weeks she was flowering and the same height as her big sister! She is massive now, but I also managed to get a potassium deficiency with her and Cal/mag too, I waited too long to feed her being so worried about the mites on the older gal! Anyway I have successfully sorted her it seems and she is full of bud sites and pistils. I am hoping for at least 45 grams from her...
Aside from that I have also just germed my latest grow, number 3! I decided on Lowryder 2, as I just want to push for a high yield before I go away early next year.

Anyway as I say I will put some pics up in the next day or so and also of my latest girls...
How's everything going with you man? How's your perpetual grows? Haven't been on in ages so will go check everyones progress now...:toke:
Week 9 pics and Harvest pics!

Hi Guys

So here are the pics from Week 9 or my first grow. She wasn't mature or ready to be chopped IMO but I had to due to mites. We fought a 2 week battle against them and although not victorious, I did hold them off long enough to fatten the buds before harvest. I got a yield of 37g dry...though I suspect I didn't let them dry long enough...hard to tell but will learn I guess.
Anyway, first grow down! Way more complicated and filled with problems than I had ever expected...but I did manage to get the harvest I was really pushing for, and a yield that I am pretty happy with too.


Enjoy, and let me know what you all think! I would love some feedback as I was so close to losing this crop entirely, but really tried hard to beat those mites.
pity about the mites but still a nice harvest, well done man and +rep for completing it :smokebuds: