Indoor 12 seeds go in....

Time to catch up here.....

The 1st 3 Auto Green Crack seeds I soaked in water for a day then put them on top of an amplifier in wet tissue for another couple of days looked like this on Wednesday when I was able to get Root Riot cubes:
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Forgot to take a pic before I put the first one in root riot but it was the furthest along and trying to get the shell off so I guess that one could have done with transplanting sooner.

The blocks then got placed in a tub with a 125W cfl over it and I took some pics of other stuff I got to help with the next stage of getting a res set up for them:

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New pH pen because they don't last for ever due to a semi-porous interface.

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And a water heater so I can get res temps up a bit if I need to.

By this point I already had more beans doing the initial soak in water thing but I didn't like having stuff downstairs so tried skipping the bit where I had them on an amp to hoping that it would be warm enough in the propagator as it's a fairly steady 22-23 degrees under the CFL which is on 24/7. These ones just went straight into root riot:
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Notice one of the mystery beans a mate bred (regular photo periods) sank straight away and the rest floated, at least for a while - does that mean anything? Not that it matters as I have no use for anything that sprouts out of them, it's just the autos I want to grow out.

And finally some good news.....
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Sorry for the poor focus - I wasn't really paying attention to the camera:woohoo: That's the 3 Auto Green Cracks.

The one I thought went too long in the paper towel is on the left but you can't see much in that shot so I'll try for a better shot.

And I think you guys could be right about the speed the roots get through Root Riot.....
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I think I better get on with soaking 4" rockwool blocks to put them in and fast!

Thanks again @jok81 , @GoAuto6 and @KoriN606 . I think it's safe to say my first impression of the root riot cubes has been a good one and you guys steered me that way:thanks:

My last RDWC run I dropped those root riots, right into HYDROTON..
My last RDWC run I dropped those root riots, right into HYDROTON..

Thanks bud, have seen those used in NFT using net pots too but have yet to give them a try as they seemed like more work top feeding when they were young.

Been thinking I might try a bunch of things side by side and see what sticks for getting things into rockwool it was 10-14 days before it seemed like it was worth laying down matting and transplanting to final pots. That's one of the reasons I've been running Dr.Feelgood as I plan on using the same strain to experiment with to see if I can find things that clearly work better than what I was doing...I'm kinda hoping we'll see a half pound one yet lol:smoking::pass:
yes its at leist a few weeks till the cube is rooted enough to go in ive found aswell.
a big rootriot cube if they made them would be ideal ! ( if anyone fancys emailing growthtechnology about this please do !)
i recently seen grodan have brought out a new type of rockwool called grodan Vital :) but its only in slab form at min as far as i know, link / info here
I've been having similar thoughts bud.....maybe even just tie another 8 root riot blocks round the block the seed goes in to stop it falling over until it gets big enough to be tied to a support. The root riot blocks seem to leach brown stuff though and may erode away with running water as I'm told they can in aeroponics if they are not shielded from the spray.

Other ideas include cutting the bottom off a 4" rockwool block or making the hole in the middle go all the way through so there isn't anything between the root riot block and the NFT matting and the rockwool is just there to stop it falling over until it needs tied up anyway.

All in good time the moment I'm just relieved to be moving forward again.

2 days ago....

The 3x Auto Green Crack at the back are now in standard 4" rockwool blocks and the 3x ??? in the middle of the tray at the front have been ditched so I could put the 5x Dr. Feelgood in....

seeds1312-1.jpg it looks like we've gone from 100% failure rate to 100% success rate.

Plans now are a Blue Himalaya in NFT that might look something like a Dr Feelgood in NFT and a Auto Green Crack which will hopefully be a bit bigger but maybe not quite as big as the Auto Gorilla OG I have in the testing thread. And a forest of Dr Feelgood which fills the footprint of a 600W in an Amazon aeroponics system.

Here's hoping the next bit goes to plan!:smoking:
Take a closer look at the Blue Himalaya (the one marked BH on the right of the above pics).....see any true leaves? It should have been looking more like the AGC on the left in the 2nd pic but I didn't notice at the time. That one still looks exactly the same but I haven't started another seed as I was falling behind with other stuff so figured I'd come back to it after I had caught up with stuff that was closer to working.

Last Wednesday should have been a day I got a lot done but my kid was sick so nothing happened and since I didn't have anywhere else to put the Dr Feelgoods I left them in the tub until Friday after work and now a few of them are not looking so good. I have fired in another 3 since it's an 8 pot aeroponics system and I'll worry about weeding out the weak if I end up with too many to grow out. The aeroponics system is up and running and with few tweaks isn't all that noisy and getting enough water to fill the res wasn't as bad as I thought either so I think I can work with it.

And a little bird told me somebody up the street was complaining of their house stinking of weed so I've had to break out the carbon filter. I blame the Dr Feelgood that was on the drying gets real stinky then!:smoking::pass:
Yeah the bh dosnt look so well an big as the others kush .

Hey good one on the aero should get you a nice quick veg , good stuff !:) , yes agreed the areo might be less servicing an can maybe leave alone for longer periods than the gt's?,........will you let me know how your aero system gets on plz.

yes the water part ! , i have tried getting many different connections to try fit on bathroom tap for a hose from but none so far ive got have worked so far to fit on properly with out getting jet sprayed lol.
hey i understand! i cant stand them type who moan about nice smells , there probably used to the smell of wet dog ect to know different lol
cheers kush !
I've been using water carriers from the camping store to get water from the bath up a ladder.....they hold almost 15 litres each and I have a couple of cool boxes to use as storage tanks while it warms up and stuff.

It's doing it without curious little ears that's more my issue.

Anyway, quick couple of pics before work and hopefully tomorrow I'll get stuff done:smoking:



I reckon it's the AGC in the top right that will get grown out:pass:
Nice !!!! coming on nice them at the back :) , the same aero i have kush tho i never completed my grow with mine because of the noiseyness i had with it . i look forward to seeing how you get on with it ! :)
do you ever place a piece of fabric underneath the cube for the roots to grow in before placing on the tray kush ? im thinking of doing that . and yes ! curious ears are always on my brain , i hear brushing up noises against the next door wall quite often :gassy:
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