Indoor 12 seeds go in....

Well this is looking like another massacre....




They've all cracked open but just not made it out the blocks. At least last time I got a few stems out that then rotted and died quite quickly.

This time I think it's been the res keeping the cubes too cold as it barely got above 22 degrees for any length of time and the cubes feel a little cold to the touch. Any thoughts out there?

So rather than use the res to keep the blocks wet it looks like I'm going to have to do without that to start with as I've found a spot in my room which hopefully will provide more favourable conditions....



There's a Blue Himalaya in that one as that packet was on top when I went into the box of seeds and just 1 because at this stage I'm about to have a 2nd empty NFT system soon and I'd settle for getting something going for them never mind loads of plants for aeroponics.
sorry your having problems , ive never tried that method burying the seed , i have success when ive soaked seed for 12-24 hours in cup of water then put them in a damp kitchen paper an put between two plastic plates and then place on top of digibox for some warmth for a day or 2-3 an wait till the tails are an inch or long enough to pinch hold off to insert tail in a rootriot cube , ive tried the small rockwool cubes your using but i feel they take longer than rootriot to get the first initial root through the first cubes before transfering to bigger cube , to keep the rockwool moist ide spray from the top , the seeds look too wet like there swimming in the cube holes , rockwool can hold alot of water for a long time , roots only like it damp preferably , nice garden by the way
sorry your having problems , ive never tried that method burying the seed , i have success when ive soaked seed for 12-24 hours in cup of water then put them in a damp kitchen paper an put between two plastic plates and then place on top of digibox for some warmth for a day or 2-3 an wait till the tails are an inch or long enough to pinch hold off to insert tail in a rootriot cube , ive tried the small rockwool cubes your using but i feel they take longer than rootriot to get the first initial root through the first cubes before transfering to bigger cube , to keep the rockwool moist ide spray from the top , the seeds look too wet like there swimming in the cube holes , rockwool can hold alot of water for a long time , roots only like it damp preferably , nice garden by the way

Cheers Jok. Have been having thoughts about trying the paper towel method for a while but it seemed like more hassle than it was worth when just sticking them in rockwool was working well enough.

I have some peat plugs but never tried those either...or the rootriot ones.

When I have had success this way it's probably been when res temps went up to 23 or so and I'm not getting that now.

I'll keep trying though... failure is not an option :smoking::pass:
Yeah the plugs are amazing!
Usually i will put just the tiniest amount of Technaflora's B-1 Thrive alive into a large cup and let the plugs soak for a minute
then watch them take off lol
yes agreed kushnft , its more hassle the paper towel method ,thats all ive tryed , you could try on 1 seed an see if it respondes quicker .?
the cleanest an less problematic media out there is the small rockwool cubes your using . without my pest control measures in place the rootroit cubes i use & even more so the jiffy pellets in the past with the organic elements in them have caused quick out break of mites ect on seedlings an savaged them within the first week ! , if you can keep the pests away the jiffys are a great starter
yes agreed kushnft , its more hassle the paper towel method ,thats all ive tryed , you could try on 1 seed an see if it respondes quicker .?
the cleanest an less problematic media out there is the small rockwool cubes your using . without my pest control measures in place the rootroit cubes i use & even more so the jiffy pellets in the past with the organic elements in them have caused quick out break of mites ect on seedlings an savaged them within the first week ! , if you can keep the pests away the jiffys are a great starter

Good to know, thanks buddy.

Doubt I'll get much done today as I'm off to work shortly but I think it's time to find a more reliable way for me to get seeds going.
Build it and they will come?:rofl:


New space to expand, and hopefully enough space to have, if I need it, the 125W CFL on the really short side and another 600W HPS above the gap in the floor.


All I need now is more plants so I soaked 3x Auto Green Crack for 14 hours and have put them in some damp tissue paper, wrapped it in a plastic bag, put it in a DVD case and have put it on top of my home cinema amp to keep them toasty since that is on all the time.



Am not sure whether I'll use the 125W cfl or the 600W hps for the next bit if I get sprouts to work with.....leaving a 600W on 24/0 should sort any low temp issues caused by my other light going off for 4 hours.

nice project your doing there kushnft! , gaining a nice area there , what growing method are you thinking of using in the space ? if your tight for space running nft there are these handy sg225 gully you can get , youve probably seen them ,( thats what im running at min )
2 sg225 gullys will fit between a garland titan garden tray (55cm ) , that enables me to have 2 separate segmented timing grows running off the same resivour , with a piece of different thicknesses wood either end used for a fall . i sized down to these from the nutriculture type an they work great .