No bullshit i came out from Kroger from pulling a 10 item order and about 10+ employees were in the parking lot pointing up admiring the snow and I couldn’t see shit unless standing under one of the lights in parking lot! 1 swipe of the windshield wipers cleared the entire years snowfall!
No bullshit i came out from Kroger from pulling a 10 item order and about 10+ employees were in the parking lot pointing up admiring the snow and I couldn’t see shit unless standing under one of the lights in parking lot! 1 swipe of the windshield wipers cleared the entire years snowfall!
Pretty lame cuz i like snow! Used to spend Christmas in Michigan growing up so everyone around me is driving like a granny in the snow around here and i am weaving thru cars like its any other day!
It's funny how that works for me it's inevitable we're getting snow at snow point in the year If I don't put it on we get snow early I mean I'm also hasitant to take it off cause we've had plenty of late march storms
Still got a couple more weeks before I put the snowblower away here. Probably done snowing but never know. Every night this week is still below freezing
Still got a couple more weeks before I put the snowblower away here. Probably done snowing but never know. Every night this week is still below freezing
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