Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jan-Mar '24

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Happy Easter everyone :pass::lildab:

If I am wanting to give the gators my stash I am going to bet I have already had enough for now :crying:

What to do for breakfast ............ Good Morfnoevight All! 🥓:rofl::rofl:🥓:rofl:

I will chop my Strawberry Nuggets next weekend

I have photo seeds that are about 5 years old that i hope will be viable. I should grow them next if they germinate... But they are another strawberry strain (Heavyweight Strawberry Cake) ...I do like the strain's effects...

I have 2 Industrial Plant CBD and 1 Candy Kush auto seeds that are the same age that I could run (again, if they germ)

And i have Meph freebies.

Do I overload myself with strawberry flavors now or run them in the autumn?

Maybe i should flip a coin.

Scar them with sandpaper, and give them a soak in peroxide for a couple hours before doing whatever else you have in mind. And keep them warm, I shoot for ~28C using a seedling mat controlled by thermostat. Lots of old seeds do fine if they have been stored cool and dry.

Re. your dilemma, I have not had a strawberry strain yet that I did not like, including Strawberry Nuggets which I had in my grow this winter. Variety in strawberry bud sounds fine to me. Since the seeds will likely vary in germination success, you may want to start with more than you have room for. Might be an opportunity to just clean up those old seeds and see who is still up for mischief. How much room do you have? :pighug:
Dude was just happily trotting along….we might still be out there if I hadn’t noticed how lost we were :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :pass:
I'll bet Dude knew where he was. Our mutt's internal map of our walk areas is beyond impressive. She actually discovered one of our trails that we did not even realize was there. The little bugger does not miss much. :pighug: :crying:
I'll bet Dude knew where he was. Our mutt's internal map of our walk areas is beyond impressive. She actually discovered one of our trails that we did not even realize was there. The little bugger does not miss much. :pighug: :crying:
Oh, we were both in uncharted territory….still learning the new town and what not :pass:
Me and my missus were on about this last night as she said we're going to the church tomorrow for Easter service, I said why like, do you even know what Easter is about, she said Jesus died and was in a cave and days later he wasn't there and had resurrected,

Well why do we give eggs at easter then, and why does a bunny deliver them too, an I missing something here, so the death of Jesus is celebrated by chocolate eggs and a Easter bunny basicly, wtf
Bunny's don't even lay eggs
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