New Grower 1st hydro grow

afternoon update
rockwool still damp gonna let her go 12 hours then rewater. seed still in shell but higher up
i did some reading and most people put nutes in their dwc so im going to add [per gallon] 1ml of rapid start, 1/8tsp maxigrow, 2ml of calmag

1/8tsp of maxigrow is 0.3ec by itself
2ml of calmag is 0.4ec by itself
1ml rapid start is negligible.
with ro water is that enough calmag and does 0.7ec total make sense or is that crazy 20200506_175855.jpg
RO water will need cal/mag and possibly other minerals. I use city water so i have no experience with RO water.

Your 0.7ec is not correct. For a seedling an EC of 0.7 will turn it into a matchstick. The EC/TDS is a measurement of your nutrient solution.

For bubbleponics always start with 25% manufacture recommended strength, so if is says 1 tsp per gallon, you start with 1/4 tsp.

Here is something for a reference point, its in TDS
  • Seedlings: 100-250 (nutrients aren't needed here, hence there's not a lot of particles needed)
  • First Half of Vegging Cycle: 300-400 (this is usually after you transplant, which still doesn't require many nutrients)
  • Second Half of Vegging: 450-700 (you'll start giving your plants more nutrients at this stage)
  • First Half of Flowering: 750-950 (your plants will be eating more as they grow, so they'll be taking in more nutrients)
  • Second Half of Flowering: 1000-1600 (this is when your plant's eating the most, especially if you give it additives)
  • End of Flower, Entering Harvest: As close to 0 as possible (this is when you'll be flushing your plants, so you don't want there to be a lot of particles leftover)
Here is a conversion table

Hey JT, @Mañ'O'Green was a huge resource for me when I was running DWC. Most of the principles I have shared are almost directly from many discussions with him and others on here. I found this guide to be a huge help when I grew that style.

Hey MoG! I had no idea I had that much juice to get a same day follow up! Cool!

JT is a new DWCgrower just getting started and wanted some advice on starting seeds in rockwool and how to transition to the reservoir. Specifically nute strength to begin with and keeping the rockwool cube moistened until roots hit the water.
RO water will need cal/mag and possibly other minerals. I use city water so i have no experience with RO water.

Your 0.7ec is not correct. For a seedling an EC of 0.7 will turn it into a matchstick. The EC/TDS is a measurement of your nutrient solution.

For bubbleponics always start with 25% manufacture recommended strength, so if is says 1 tsp per gallon, you start with 1/4 tsp.

Here is something for a reference point, its in TDS
  • Seedlings: 100-250 (nutrients aren't needed here, hence there's not a lot of particles needed)
  • First Half of Vegging Cycle: 300-400 (this is usually after you transplant, which still doesn't require many nutrients)
  • Second Half of Vegging: 450-700 (you'll start giving your plants more nutrients at this stage)
  • First Half of Flowering: 750-950 (your plants will be eating more as they grow, so they'll be taking in more nutrients)
  • Second Half of Flowering: 1000-1600 (this is when your plant's eating the most, especially if you give it additives)
  • End of Flower, Entering Harvest: As close to 0 as possible (this is when you'll be flushing your plants, so you don't want there to be a lot of particles leftover)
Here is a conversion table

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right now she is being watered with straight ro water from a spray bottle thats 0.0ec until she 1.pops and 2 roots leave rockwool.

maxigrow lists 1-2 tsp per gallon so i put 1/8 tsp per gallon in the bucket, control, and res. which ends up being 0.3Ec of nutes

since i am.using Ro water i also added 2ml per gallon if calmag which is the other 0.4
like i mentioned the seedling isnt getting this dose until she reaches the res.

a question i do have is when people say a young plant should be between 0.6-0.8ec is that just the base nutes or is that including your calmag
wll still hasnt gone so i took my second seed which ha been in water for 10 hours and sank

i put it inbetwee. then wrung out papertowels and stacked styrafoam plates around it and placed it under my grow light. tent under light is 80f ill check her tonorrow if this one doesnt crack then im doing something wrong
@Iriee Vibez You ringy dingy............... hello! How can I help?
any insight is appreciated right now i cant figure out how often i should water. tent is running about 65f at night snd 75f during day. i watered her tuesday night , when i checked wed night rockwool was damp. i just checked this morning and i couldnt tell so i picked it up and faintly squeezed and water came out so i misted the rockwool. i dont want her to rot but obviously if she dries shes dead. so im confused
looks like her shell is of by her leaves are still stuck together hoping she opens up i dont wanna have to do surgery


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