New Grower 1st hydro grow

Do not squeeze rock wool it will ruin the structure and sever the roots. You have to weigh or heft them to determine when to water. Take a dry one and heft/weigh it then totally soak it and let it drain until it stops dripping then heft/weigh it again. This is the fully wet weight. Now let it dry out until it has lost 50% of that water weight then it is time to water again.
Do not squeeze rock wool it will ruin the structure and sever the roots. You have to weigh or heft them to determine when to water. Take a dry one and heft/weigh it then totally soak it and let it drain until it stops dripping then heft/weigh it again. This is the fully wet weight. Now let it dry out until it has lost 50% of that water weight then it is time to water again.
But how can I keep pulling the rockwool out to check the weight Once it starts leaving the rockwool And what's your take on my current EC ppm set up
ok officially 20200507_175054.jpg20200507_175045.jpgday 1 i guess she had a tiny film keeping her together that i gently pulled off. checked rockwool a full one weighed about 31 grams and when i weighed mine she was about 30 so i didnt water her she felt wet amd was still dark in color. next time i may get a bigger cube so i only have to water every couple days like a 3inch block or something. so tomorrow morning ill check again. root looks healthy thats about it for now
But how can I keep pulling the rockwool out to check the weight Once it starts leaving the rockwool And what's your take on my current EC ppm set up

Some folksonly place the rockwool in the net cup after roots have shown through. Definitely harder to do otherwise.
Your temps are a little low, shoot for 68°F to 78°F. I just use 1/4 strength from seed to transplant then 1/2 for next week and increase by 10% each week until 100% or tip burn then back - off 10%
Your temps are a little low, shoot for 68°F to 78°F. I just use 1/4 strength from seed to transplant then 1/2 for next week and increase by 10% each week until 100% or tip burn then back - off 10%
its been crazy with our temps was in the 70s last week 40s this week next week its 60s. gonna throw a small heater till spring temps normalize.

i was afraid 1/4 strength at seed would be a little much didnt want to kill her i figured
week 1 1/8
week 2 1/4
and then week 3 and trans ill push her 10% for the main nutes. im not sure what the ec of calmag should be in ro water

you let ph swing from 5.8 to 6.3 or do you 6 to 6.3 during veg and 5.6 to 5.8 during flower
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its been crazy with our temps was in the 70s last week 40s this week next week its 60s. gonna throw a small heater till spring temps normalize.

i was afraid 1/4 strength at seed would be a little much didnt want to kill her i figured
week 1 1/8
week 2 1/4
and then week 3 and trans ill push her 10% for the main nutes. im not sure what the ec of calmag should be in ro water

you let ph swing from 5.8 to 6.3 or do you 6 to 6.3 during veg and 5.6 to 5.8 during flower

JT, You should let the ph swing in that range throughout the grow. Here is a nutrient availability chart for hydro. As you can see certainminerals are available at different ph within that range.
its been crazy with our temps was in the 70s last week 40s this week next week its 60s. gonna throw a small heater till spring temps normalize.

i was afraid 1/4 strength at seed would be a little much didnt want to kill her i figured
week 1 1/8
week 2 1/4
and then week 3 and trans ill push her 10% for the main nutes. im not sure what the ec of calmag should be in ro water

you let ph swing from 5.8 to 6.3 or do you 6 to 6.3 during veg and 5.6 to 5.8 during flower
I shoot for 5.8 to 6.2 then if you miss by a little they don't suffer. Your too stingy with your nutes and your girls will be hungry. add 50 PPMs of Cal-Mag to your RO water then add the nutrients in the order the vendor recommends. Don't mix your nutes in the res and don't add PH buffer solutions directly to the res. If you read my Bubbleponics primer you would be running a float valve in the res with a top-off tank. I would aerate my water overnight mix my nutes in the top-off tank. Pump the res out and siphon the fresh nutes into the res. quick and easy.
I shoot for 5.8 to 6.2 then if you miss by a little they don't suffer. Your too stingy with your nutes and your girls will be hungry. add 50 PPMs of Cal-Mag to your RO water then add the nutrients in the order the vendor recommends. Don't mix your nutes in the res and don't add PH buffer solutions directly to the res. If you read my Bubbleponics primer you would be running a float valve in the res with a top-off tank. I would aerate my water overnight mix my nutes in the top-off tank. Pump the res out and siphon the fresh nutes into the res. quick and easy.
my res has 2ml per gallon of calmag which comes in at about .4ec or 200ppm om a 5 conversion and .3ec of grow or 150ppm which is a 1/8 of a tsp for a total of 0.7ec atm in ro water. the control bucket [w float valve) has the same mix as well as the dwc bucket. set to 5.86 ph. shes being watered with straight ro until roots get into bucket. unless you think ishould use the dwc water with nutes.

update:checked on her this morning temps are low 70s. rockwool still seems pretty wet and i havent watered in 2 days [31grams weight] so intook her out of the bucket and placed the cube on top of the netlid only because she looks a little droopy. ill check on her around 2pm today see if it dried out a little bit. root looked white except a tinge of brown in the middle.. also i moved the light down to 29 inches it was about 33.20200508_112638.jpg
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