Cultivators Club
That other brand fills in the side, not the top. Having a tube incorperated into the top is fine...If you dont have to mess with a showercap attatched to it. Looking at the Single ROOT Earthbox depth looks different than Original/Junior. Meaning there is much more vertical root space vs horizontal. The Homemade tote I will make is a lowprofile tote that could potentially hold 4 to 6 clones if flipped within 2 weeks.Level indicator and mesh I like those but the different shapes could be challenging- oblong seems to work well and I say that because the root Earthbox DOES NOT work well for our plant - for some reason but for sure study possibility .....Perhaps a version in-between Original and Junior ....
filler tube that comes thru side of box, rather than inside - have it outside the cover area - so cap didn’t have to go over tube - maybe separate piece molded in the side or plumb a piece and either case add a slide in place extension or even funnel extension .....
of course most changes would add some type of cost except simple ones like make the cap stronger, corporate America for ya ....
If weone we would probably hit on more!
PS .... Suppose outside filler tube is a hardware store trip and sharp hole saw - wouldn‘t be that hard, idea is to deliver water to the res and not leak!
Yes making changes to the EB could increase production costs. However when you make a superior product, you can charge a little more...because it is an improvent on an existing design. For me personally I would like to have a different top. Not a cap, more of a Lid that is pest proof, durable, and easier to access for top dressings. Water tube isolated to avoid being in the way of amything