Miss S',... how's it going luv? -- aside from the unaccountable seed/seedling difficulties at least!

I hate rough starts,.....Some are acting kinda like old seeds,...nothing wrong with the method, how cool is it in your germ' place?.... So, after the soak, do they sink? In that first day, I may poke at them once after 12hours or so to see if they sink, and reorient them if they float,... into p-t's then... how much radical length do you let grow before planting? ... I certainly am alarmed by the larvae showing up so fast, wonder if the soil is contaminated,...

--- are mosquito dunks/granules available down your way?
Hey there Master W!
It's going pretty good, all things considering.
Rough is an understatement.
Never had a worse start.
But never tried outdoors in winter either...
Even my college dorm rooms grows under my desk lamp went better than this... hahahahhahaaa!!!!!!
Most of them floated in the soak, and even after a day or two still floated.
Whereas usually some sink, some float, but all sink after maybe 12 hrs.
I wonder if the Safari seeds weren't super mature yet.
They were pollinated at about day ... 15-20 of flowering.
But harvested at about day 56 to 63 IIRC.
So, no extra maturation time, they just came down with the rest of the (fairly early) bud.
This time, using the soak + paper towel, I let the Cream Mandarine and Jack 47 and the one Safari Indica
all get a good 10mm = about 0.5" of tail sprout on them before in the dirt.
It's worked much better, so I'm glad for the change of tactics.
As for the larvae.... maybe contaminated... but.... they are outdoors, in the dirty city, fairly wet.
So... my guess is that they just jumped in from some neighbor's window box.
As of yesterday, we have:
Pot [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]: one seedling up (should be Cream Mandarine)
Pot [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]: three seedlings up (should be a Dark Devil, maybe two, and a Safari Indica)
Pot [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]: three seedlings up (should be a Jack 47, a Safari Indica, and who knows...??)
Pot [HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG]: two seedlings up (damned if I can recall, maybe it's the other Jack 47 and a Safari Indica)
Pot [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG]: nothing going on here folks
Total of 9 seedlings up, in four pots.
Okay, prob what I was hoping for with just the first round of auto and photo seeds.
Wasted lots in the process, but at least we have the start of some kind of crazy winter going on here now.
More news later when I get back home....
Lots of love and hugs,