New Grower Zootown68's First Grow - All Mephisto Ladies

May my shit always stink! Day 36.
Day 43. Been a little while since an update. Plants are small, happy, growing buds, and smelling wonderous. They've actually gained quite a bit of height over the past couple weeks. They're so beautiful :joy:


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Harvest day! @Mañ'O'Green, I couldn't have done this without you, sir. Thanks to you and everybody who helped me along the way on this first go. I can't even believe that I did it. It was a lot of work, but the feeling I got while chopping these down was a combo of disbelief, sadness that I was done growing for this round, sweet sweet relief and extreme satisfaction. More pix tomorrow.
@Zootown68 :clapper:


You qualify for the Cultivators Club now! See you soon!
Ps you are not done yet. Dry at 70°F 50% RH for 4 or 5 days. Put in paper bags until 10%-11% moisture content and then put in Grove Bags for the cure. You can check the moisure of your buds by putting them in a mason jar with a small hygrometer. You want it to read 62% RH. At least 2 weeks on the cure.

You will not believe the quality compared to dispensary crap.
Ps you are not done yet. Dry at 70°F 50% RH for 4 or 5 days. Put in paper bags until 10%-11% moisture content and then put in Grove Bags for the cure. You can check the moisure of your buds by putting them in a mason jar with a small hygrometer. You want it to read 62% RH. At least 2 weeks on the cure.

You will not believe the quality compared to dispensary crap.
Thanks, @Mañ'O'Green ! On it.
@Mañ'O'Green , @St. Tom , @hope2grow , @420Forever , @THE BEAR , @TheMongol . Phone not the easiest way to do this, but I'm outside watching and soon herding cats...
:kitty::kitty: The prisoners are getting their yard time. First Missoula sun in a week or so.

This whole experience has given me all the feels. Stress, happiness and literal pain (@Proph you were SO RIGHT about the rivit gun as opposed to the chicken wire for LST). I'm gaining a skill that will serve me well for the balance of my years.

I came into this venture with the thought that somebody on another site had it all figured out. Boy was I wrong. Nobody has it all figured out. But we're certainly all better off trying to figure it out together.

@stan_mephisto , thank you so much for these amazing ladies. I'm absolutely blown away that I could produce these incredible flowers on my first try.


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