Dude fuck that I cant even like the above post like seriously now its fuckin boring caterpillar larva?????????????????????????????? Note to self do not grow outside in Spain, jeeeeezus Christo my dude. I mean I don't even know what to say right now

I hear ya.

... BUT - it's not like I didn't warn of this exact issue.

They're c***s.

Actually - they are the sole reason I aborted outdoor growing after ONE attempt, and moved indoors.

Man I am sending so much grow Karma your way my friend

Karma noted, and graciously/gratefully accepted.

I hear ya.

... BUT - it's not like I didn't warn of this exact issue.

They're c***s.

Actually - they are the sole reason I aborted outdoor growing after ONE attempt, and moved indoors.

Karma noted, and graciously/gratefully accepted.

Shit dude you can't catch a break f*#king bugs pity you can't get hold of mossy doesn't she grow in Spain she might be able to help best of luck with the rest of your grow keep on nuking the little bastards [emoji35]

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
Shit dude you can't catch a break f*#king bugs pity you can't get hold of mossy doesn't she grow in Spain she might be able to help best of luck with the rest of your grow keep on nuking the little bastards [emoji35]

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk

Thanks man.

Yeah - electrical fires, K-toxicity, and stem boring caterpillars.
This has been an epic test of patience and knowledge!!

If I can get ANY of the 16 girls over the finish line, it will be a miracle.

Remember when they started off so healthy and full of promise?
What I wouldn't give to be back there ...
Light rain here this morning, so I didn't feed.
Given the toxicity in the garden, any chance to let Mother Nature step in and handle the feeding schedule will be welcomed.

They didn't get a full watering, but to water them on top of drizzle seemed wasteful.

However, it also means last night's application of Snake Killer - in all probability - was rinsed away.
I will reapply this evening, just to be safe.
Aaaaaarrrgggghhhhhhhhhh - thunderstorms forecast this evening, circa. 21:00 - 21:30.
Pretty much the time I was planning to apply the Snake Killer, which if true, would also render THAT application null and void.

I swear this grow is going to do my head in.

Can't wait to get back inside my beautiful, stress free tent !!

Whatever the outcome of THIS grow, I'm going to do the same strains again, to see what they can achieve sans electrical fires, extreme heat triggered toxicity, leaf devouring grasshoppers, tail-wagging-branch-breaking dogs, and stem boring caterpillars!!
Aaaaaarrrgggghhhhhhhhhh - thunderstorms forecast this evening, circa. 21:00 - 21:30.
Pretty much the time I was planning to apply the Snake Killer, which if true, would also render THAT application null and void.

I swear this grow is going to do my head in.

Can't wait to get back inside my beautiful, stress free tent !!

Whatever the outcome of THIS grow, I'm going to do the same strains again, to see what they can achieve sans electrical fires, extreme heat triggered toxicity, leaf devouring grasshoppers, tail-wagging-branch-breaking dogs, and stem boring caterpillars!!

Good luck man, sorry for your troubles outside. I don't say much but do have to speak up and say your making a great choice trying the HBSS inside. You will not be dissappointed, absolutely an amazing strain by mephisto, I'm smoking on a jar now.
HBSS is one that's worth another go, indoors.
Props on keeping your head up, staying positive. Shi* gets stressful, I feel for ya!
Good luck man, sorry for your troubles outside. I don't say much but do have to speak up and say your making a great choice trying the HBSS inside. You will not be dissappointed, absolutely an amazing strain by mephisto, I'm smoking on a jar now.
HBSS is one that's worth another go, indoors.
Props on keeping your head up, staying positive. Shi* gets stressful, I feel for ya!

Yeah - I don't feel I've done the strain justice.
Definitely want another crack at it, regardless of how this ends.

Just haven't been able to catch a break this grow - but, that's what growing is all about, right?
Would much prefer to be inside where I can have total control over the environment, but didn't have that option this grow, once I had fried the electrics and fortuitously avoided a catastrophic house fire.

The only option was to throw the girls outside - which they were LOVING initially - but then toxicity and insects have swung the stress pendulum back in 'their' favour!

Anyway - even the worst days growing are better than the best days working for the man ...
UPDATE: Day 48 ... (for some, but not all)

Today should have been a feeding day, but Mother Nature delivered some early morning drizzle, which I thought might bring some nute relief to the girls, and a nice mini-detox.

I'm not sure she fed them enough - but by the time the threat of rain dissolved, it was too late in the day and the sun [what there was] was too high. Then the skies decided to do this;



So the forecast threat of evening thunderstorms look very real.
Which also renders plans to reapply Snake Killer void.
There's zero point applying Snake Killer if thunderstorms are immediately going to wash it away, as the drizzle would have done this morning.

So a VERY frustrating day - a case of "rain delayed play".

No rain forecast tomorrow, so I'm going to be out early morning giving the girls a feed, regardless of what Mother nature dumps on them later tonight.

The GOOD news is, after a painstaking examination and interrogation of the plants, there are no more signs of caterpillar damage or bud rot ... TODAY ...

BUT it is a 24/7 War On [Insect] Terror at the moment.
There is no rest until the girls are cut and drying.

Here's some more positive news - BUD PORN!

HubbaBubbaSmelloScope Auto




Caterpillars and Web Builders

While finding the dreaded caterpillar in the garden might seem apocalyptic news, I'm actually doing a little jig this morning.

The colour is greyish white - not a vibrant green - it fell off a branch, was very laboured in its movements, and most importantly, IT WASN'T INSIDE THE PLANT STRUCTURE.

In other words, it's dying from the Snake Killer application.
Proof positive that we're on top of it and even though they exist in the garden, they're not winning the war.

I also mentioned earlier that occasionally I would come across a web, on a single finger of a single leaf, that gently cupped it.
Well, not only did I find an example of that this morning, but for the very first time, I also managed to capture an image of the web-builder - the first time I have actually seen one.





