Mephisto Genetics Yozhik's Grow #4 ... HubbaBubbaSmelloScope

right on just curious lol. but dank nonetheless huh

Had to laugh at myself today - was out checking the plants, came back inside, and all I could smell was sweet bud.
Had me puzzled for a while, until I remembered I'd touched a couple of the plants, and their sticky aromatic goodness had coated my skin.

With FIVE different strains in the garden, it's also difficult to pinpoint the precise aromas - it's more like this glorious cacophony - an olfactory symphonic assault.
...relatively still summer evening, the slightest of breezes, and there is this occasional wafting of the most delicious danky aroma coming from the garden.
I've been enjoying the smells of rosemary and basil in the backyard for years. This years addition of the smell o' cannabis is so perfect!

Did you ever determine what might have been the cause of the burnt leaves?
Other than flamethrower toting gnomes that is....
I've been enjoying the smells of rosemary and basil in the backyard for years. This years addition of the smell o' cannabis is so perfect!

Did you ever determine what might have been the cause of the burnt leaves?
Other than flamethrower toting gnomes that is....

The doctors in the Infirmary Sub-Forum decided on Potassium Toxicity. [didn't even know that was a 'thing']
Compounded by extreme temps and an Advanced Nutrients schedule that was 'ambitious' for summer conditions, even though it was run @ 50% of the recommended schedule.
UPDATE: Day 51 ... (for some, but not all)

LIGHTING:... The Sun


POT/MEDIUM: ... 30 litre pots with New Mix 2.0 Cannabiogen soil


Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B @ 1.5 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients Big Bud @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients CalMag @ 1.0 ml/l
Advanced Nutrients B-52 @ 1.0 ml/l
TAP WATER pH: ... 7.1
TAP WATER EC: ... 0.6
FEEDING QUANTITY: ... 5.0 litres


Campus Cafeteria was open today.
Menu offered a 'lite' selection for the girls.
They're still looking a little 'burnt', so upped the quantity and lowered the nutes - EC now down to 1.8 by lowering the Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur Bloom A+B base nutes, which I concluded [rightly or wrongly] was the source of the K-tox.
In my head, upping the quantity of feeding and lowering the nutrient EC is similar to giving them a very gentle detox - like an introductory colonic irrigation.
We'll find out the reality shortly, I guess.

Zero signs of caterpillars.
Zero signs of bud rot.
Zero time to rest or think the job is done.
Zero tolerance.

The pictures are a little deceiving - particularly the 3rd and 4th [below].
The buds look fat and weighty.
They're not; it's pretty much all leaf.
The buds are light, fluffy, insubstantial and still under-developed - I would say 'retarded', probably as a direct result of the K-tox.
That's my responsibility and in no way reflects on the genetics of the girls, in fact, that the girls are still ALIVE attests to how bulletproof this Mephisto strain is!
The K-tox is being well and truly addressed, and we still have time.
I'm still quietly confident - in spite of the troubles - that an acceptable result can be salvaged.
Not a record breaker, but acceptable, given circumstances.

HubbaBubbaSmelloscope Auto




FYI ... The smell from the garden 20-25 metres away, wafting through an open window into the lounge, is to die for.
It's getting really, really strong, and it's only Day 51.
Still looking great yoz! Glad there's no sign of bugs at moment hope it stays that way! In on on day 46 she's not as big as yours but damn that sweet smell is sure coming out of her like juicy fruits bubblegum Mmm

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Caught this, this morning.
Not surprised - actually relieved.

The caterpillar found dying a couple of days ago, was found on this plant.
So now I'm happy to have found the bore hole!
I have removed the entire branch.
It was weak and a low yielder anyway.

Bore Hole.JPG
Diagram 2.JPG
Anorexic HBSS Girls Wearing XL T-shirts

Looks can be deceiving ...
They look thin and waifish, but you can see the fat girl inside, waiting to get her chub on!





C'mon girls ... YOU CAN DO IT !!

UPDATE: Day 52 ... (for some, but not all)

LIGHTING:... The Sun



No feeding today.
I'll probably give another application of Snake Killer tonight.
Just to keep on top of it.

Other than the tiny infection detailed earlier, I can't see any other signs in the entire garden, but you just don't know.
I'd rather be overly cautious and paranoid, than falsely confident.



