HubbaBubbaSmelloScope Auto Summary

No. 1 ... WET (Actual) 375g ... DRY (Anticipated) 84g
No. 2 ... WET (Actual) 335g ... DRY (Anticipated) 75g
No. 3 ... WET (Actual) 240g ... DRY (Anticipated) 56g
No. 4 ... WET (Actual) 364g ... DRY (Anticipated) 82g

WET (Actual) ... 1,314g
DRY (Anticipated) ... 297g
HubbaBubbaSmelloScope Auto Summary

No. 1 ... WET (Actual) 375g ... DRY (Anticipated) 84g
No. 2 ... WET (Actual) 335g ... DRY (Anticipated) 75g
No. 3 ... WET (Actual) 240g ... DRY (Anticipated) 56g
No. 4 ... WET (Actual) 364g ... DRY (Anticipated) 82g

WET (Actual) ... 1,314g
DRY (Anticipated) ... 297g

hell yeah dude for everything that you went thorough that is amazing bro
HubbaBubbaSmelloScope Auto - FINAL SUMMARY

HubbaBubbaSmelloScope Harvest.png
It's been one hell of a grow.
I'm not sure what more could have gone wrong, if I'm honest.
Pretty sure I encountered just about every challenge I could have.
  • Environmental issues with high temps,
  • electricity dramas and house fire risks,
  • plant threatening toxicity issues,
  • vermin and crop destroying critters,
  • no water,
  • harvest obliterating mold, and
  • even men in uniforms.

What a ride!

That's makes the ~ 42 oz haul even more appreciated.


Thanks for being part of it, and for contributing to the thread.
Truth is, if it wasn't for the comments and feedback, it would be a long and lonely journey.

Hasta próxima vez mis amigos.
Hasta luego.
It's been one hell of a grow.
I'm not sure what more could have gone wrong, if I'm honest.
Pretty sure I encountered just about every challenge I could have.
  • Environmental issues with high temps,
  • electricity dramas and house fire risks,
  • plant threatening toxicity issues,
  • vermin and crop destroying critters,
  • no water,
  • harvest obliterating mold, and
  • even men in uniforms.

What a ride!

That's makes the ~ 42 oz haul even more appreciated.

View attachment 629845

Thanks for being part of it, and for contributing to the thread.
Truth is, if it wasn't for the comments and feedback, it would be a long and lonely journey.

Hasta próxima vez mis amigos.
Hasta luego.

Glad you stuck with it. This one has been one of the most entertaining and well documented journals I have read. And THE most suspenseful. You can't make that sh*t up. If you could, you'd be selling books and paying someone to grow for you.
Job very well done sir!
Glad you stuck with it. This one has been one of the most entertaining and well documented journals I have read. And THE most suspenseful. You can't make that sh*t up. If you could, you'd be selling books and paying someone to grow for you.
Job very well done sir!
I second that!