Dutch Passion Yozhik grows Dutch Passion's CBD Auto Compassion Lime®

Do you keep the same distance from SCROG and "natural grow" plants?

As much as possible.
With the COBs it's easy, because each pair of plants has its own COB, so can be individually adjusted.
With the CMH, its more difficult because there is only 2 of them.

However, having said that, I don't think I have done the COB lights justice.
There is a HUGE learning curve about their intensity, and the optimal hanging height.
For the non-ScrOG COB plants, its been OK, but for the girls that are growing under ScrOG nets, under COB lights, I think I have been a hindrance to their development, and they would have been further along if I had been left out of the equation and they had just been left alone to grow as THEY see fit.

I didn't understand COB + ScrOG.
DAY 54

TEMP: ... 23° C [+/-2°C]
HUMIDITY: ... 63%RH [+/- 5%]
2 x Maxibright Daylight CMH with Philips Mastercolor CDM-T Elite 315W/930 T12 CL Agro 3200K


3 x Cree CBX3590 3500K 4-COB Strips ... [12 COBs in total]​

FEEDING: ... 3 litres per plant @ EC 2,2
Tap Water
Nutrifield Coco A @ 2 ml per litre
Nutrifield Coco B @ 2 ml per litre
Nutrifield Bud Burst @ 2 ml per litre
Nutrifield PK Heavy @ 1 ml per litre
Nutrifield Crystalic @ 2 ml per litre
pH'd to 6,0

Team COB

Team CMH

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Things seem to be going OK'ish in the tent.
Still struggling with RH%, but have found a way to get temps where I want them, so its comfortably sitting in the 23 to 25 °C range.
Mould usually needs the Perfect Storm of cold temps AND high humidity, so I'm hoping I can minimise the threat by keeping temps in the zone and highish, and humidity as close to 50%RH as I can get it.

Noticing a BIG difference in CMH vs COB leaf colouring.
COB girls are noticeably and uniformly, yellow compared to the CMH girls.
A touch of LED jaundice?

I've switched feed again.
The COB girls just didn't take to the Greenhouse Powder Feeding, and I suspect they're demonstrating the dreaded CalMag deficiency that so many speak of, with LEDs in Coco.
The CMH girls seemed to enjoy their Greenhouse Powder Feeding, with little if any complaining.
It's a real shame to have to make the switch, because the Greenhouse Powder is both easy to do, and easy on the pocket.

Have gone to the Nutrifields lineup.
Specifically, the Coco lineup.
Let's see how the girls take to it.
DAY 57

Sugar Coated

This is all from one of the Non-ScrOG CMH girls.
I don't know WTF happened, but she suddenly became all sugar coated and toffee sticky.
I suspect it might be the Nutrifields Crystalic, which I had been warned can be known to produce ridiculous amounts of resin.

I'll let the photos comment on that statement ...

Looking fantastic yoz,i think this could be your best harvest yet bro,absolutely tons of bud sites,i want to grow a cbd strain for myself as i am becoming a bit of a light weight in my senior years lol,and this one looks perfect for me to grow an 8oz girl,i would love to hear your smoke report after harvest and a good cure,i will give you a rep slap when i get on my pc tomoz

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
Looking fantastic yoz,i think this could be your best harvest yet bro,absolutely tons of bud sites,i want to grow a cbd strain for myself as i am becoming a bit of a light weight in my senior years lol,and this one looks perfect for me to grow an 8oz girl,i would love to hear your smoke report after harvest and a good cure,i will give you a rep slap when i get on my pc tomoz

Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk

I think I've made a huge newbies error.

I didn't defoliate the ScrOG.
It's totally out of control.

DAY 58

COB Defoliation

Right - here's the thing.
If you're following this journal, and interested in doing ScrOG for the first time, do NOT do what I did.

Don't be afraid to give these girls a haircut to within an inch of their lives.
I was cautious/nervous/naive.
I'm paying for it now, and i fear I may have left out the welcome mat for the Mould Monster.
Not sure - hopefully paranoid - but I pretty much created the Perfect Storm.

Anything UNDER the ScrOG net - get rid of it.
It's not contributing in any positive way.
It's taking energy, creating humidity, and restricting air flow.

I'm doing it now, when it would have been 10x easier earlier in the grow, and wouldn't have sent an invitation to Barry Botrytis.

Here are the naked COB girls after their military haircut.

NB: Half the tent has been done.
Humidity has already fallen 10%.
Winner winner, chicken dinner.

Just a random comment ...

I am ultra impressed with both the COB lights and the CMH lights in terms of power usage, and greenage.

Previous grows have been under 2400W of HPS.
This grow is under lights totalling HALF of that, with only 620W of COBs and 630W of CMH.
The photos tell the story - the tent is lush and green, with a plentiful supply of budsites.

Comparable growth [at least], with half the power consumption?
Where do I sign?