WooHoo, number 5 just popped up today! Looking fine!!
The last one... Don't think so. Will wait a bit more.
Dry again today, watered with 400ml each of the 4ml/gal supercharger pH 5.8.
Two of them are really going on the third set and you can see the purple veins on them. I'll try to grab some pictures tomorrow.
Day 11 if I am counting right. I am giving up on number six, just not meant to be I guess. I'll leave it be for another day or so 'cause I have nothing else to do with my mat...
Two of the four are going gangbusters, gotta get some pictures going! the other two look fine, a bit small compared tho, and number five looks great just a few days behind the others. Going to water again tonight.
Day 13
They are looking great!!
Watered yesterday with 500ml each. Water was pH's to 5.9 and had 4ml Supercharger/gal. One is a good way ahead of the others but all are looking really fine, nice shape and color, sturdy and growing visibly each day!
Thanks so much for checking in. Do hope to have time for photographs. I should just grab the camera and take a shot or two, but I get wrapped up in all the BS and then talk myself out of it!!
Feed the first four like I said, they received 750ml each of aftw with 4ml supercharger and 4ml Fusion Grow / gallon pH 5.8. The last one I watered with 4ml/gal supercharger pH5.8
Been have temp problems last few days think one got a bit burned by the light. Grrr... So the CFL are out and I am just using my LED. I ordered another so I'll have two in there. That should be perfect I hope.
Here's some photographs at last!
The crew
Here's the big one, it's a beaut! Hope it's a girl!!
Day 17
Just spent a pleasant while sitting with the clan. They look pretty good, still a range of sizes but all look nice. No sign of additional burn from the lights since I removed the CFL set up. The new, my 2nd, LED should arrive in a few days and that will double the light and should be perfect for the size of the tent.
They are looking sweet! Hoping for girls...
Day 19
Watered last night, the big one (Lessa) got 800ml the rest 600ml. Things are going well. These air pots are going to take some getting used to, For example I discovered they slide easily so I need to actually pick them up to judge weight for watering, unlike the smart pots that I could tell just by nudging... It's the little things like that.
Soo at 19 days in I should start seeing them show sex soon I would think, 7-10 days perhaps??
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