Indoor Budbox now running: Jorge's Diamonds and Tatanka CBD photos


My two plants are in veg and one of them has a thrip infestation. I saw too many to count on that one plant, and just a handful of migrants on the other plant. Sorry no pics, I whipped up a neem oil spray and doused both plants, now lights off so they don't fry under the oil.
Neem spray again tomorrow.
No other ideas for dealing with them if this doesn't work, or if they just leave temporarily and come back after the neeming.
I put down a bed of straw a few days ago and I guess they came out of there.
To any thrips reading, f##k you! :finger::cuss:
Well there have been a few problems in this grow, mainly due to me not paying enough attention.

Bugs came and did their thing, damaged some lower growth on Tatanka but nothing major. After I neemed both plants I didn't do a good job of washing off the oil from Jorge's Diamonds, she got badly fried in a few spots. She also then got extremely dry, and underfed in the light mix, and the fan was too close, so she took a real hammering. Many leaves got too dry and crispy to recover. She is a mess in some spots at the moment but I think she'll get over it, overall still looks healthy.



Damage on JD


JD overall





Fabric pots are new to me and I haven't got the hang of when to water yet, so I need to be keeping a closer eye on things :crying::smoking: flipped to flower july 20th
Well there have been a few problems in this grow, mainly due to me not paying enough attention.

Bugs came and did their thing, damaged some lower growth on Tatanka but nothing major. After I neemed both plants I didn't do a good job of washing off the oil from Jorge's Diamonds, she got badly fried in a few spots. She also then got extremely dry, and underfed in the light mix, and the fan was too close, so she took a real hammering. Many leaves got too dry and crispy to recover. She is a mess in some spots at the moment but I think she'll get over it, overall still looks healthy.

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Damage on JD

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JD overall

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Fabric pots are new to me and I haven't got the hang of when to water yet, so I need to be keeping a closer eye on things :crying::smoking: flipped to flower july 20th
I don’t use any kind of ground cover (hay/sand/rocks etc). Do you find it’s important?
I don’t use any kind of ground cover (hay/sand/rocks etc). Do you find it’s important?
Nah not really man, I just like to. Mainly this time I put it down cos the water was running out the side instead of down into the soil. Light mix especially is a bitch for that. Seen you got your second grow going dude great job :thumbsup:
Girls are rocking into week 3 of flower, 16 days from flip, hopefully JD has finished stretching :smokeit:




Tatanka CBD


Tent overall

This JD is gonna be my biggest sexiest plant to date, for sure. Bodacious branches on her. @F.N. nothing like the size of your JD run but I'm still happy :smoking: Tatanka, genetics need some work I think, as is often the case with CBD strains. My last run of this strain was a lot better.

I'm only feeding bio bloom, 4ml/L feeding every two days. Damn JD is thirsty.

@420Forever I tried tagging you with my dry weights recently but I think you missed it
Cheers :jointman:
Dry weights on the AK and Amnesia Haze exactly the same at 31g apiece. Amnesia Haze is definitely more appealing with denser, stickier, bright green buds and a way nicer smell :smokeit: @420Forever
:peace: :smoker1:
@420Forever I tried tagging you with my dry weights recently but I think you missed it
Cheers :jointman:

yup, i totally missed it, lol :doh: congratz on the harvest & a shiny lil badge is now ur'z for the effort :thumbsup: plz display it under ur name by goin to profile > badgez & clickin the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) and keep an eye on ur alertz for an xtra lil surprize...:eyebrows: ppp
yup, i totally missed it, lol :doh: congratz on the harvest & a shiny lil badge is now ur'z for the effort :thumbsup: plz display it under ur name by goin to profile > badgez & clickin the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) and keep an eye on ur alertz for an xtra lil surprize...:eyebrows: ppp
I'm intrigued, haha many thanks man :cooldance: :headbang:
Into flower week 4, bad week in the tent. Thrips came back, they were all over the CBD plant and it was crappy anyway so I canned it. They're on JD too, not many but enough to keep a population. Neem oil has helped a little but they just come back :sad:



The plant is struggling from the bottom up. I haven't been stripping those branches, the leaves are just dropping off every day, higher and higher up the branches. Seems like there's a lot more lower vegetation dying off than there should be.


See if she survives and produces in the next few weeks. She's looking ok up top but she's lost a huge amount of her leaves, and she's still being attacked by thrips. I got rid of >95% but can't get them all. Cheers :smokeit:
Right this has been a weird grow. The thrips just destroyed the foliage but the buds somehow don't seem affected. The plant looks like I just went for some wild defoliation, not the case though, every leaf was ravaged and died on the plant, I just removed the dead ones!


With all said and done I guess it turned out ok?? :rofl: She's 10-14 days from chop, some autos going in next :smokeit: