Indoor Pop22's Breeding and Random Grows and Projects Thread

That is too strange, I wonder if there is something odd in there. An additive , fluoride, idk.
Is it this shitty? This is what my water does to Cannabis! I've not use pure tap in 4 years. Just to see what would happen, I've been feeding the cushdogs with tap water megacrop solution as I've been telling people about this for years, but I'd lost my early pics.

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Ouch!! I think the same happened to a friend recently.
Its well water and only Chlorine added.
Do you add the chlorine? I've seen you posting this a long time and it is wild the garden does fine, only cannabis has an issue. It sucks because it's a waste not not be able to use that instead of ro or distilled
No, the state mandates well water for rental property must be chlorinated. And I asked they use chlorine, not chlormine. I let my water sit for a day or two before using it indoors. I suspect either a fluctuating mineral content, Or contamination from local farming. I filer all drinking water! This problem seems to not occur during winter.

Do you add the chlorine? I've seen you posting this a long time and it is wild the garden does fine, only cannabis has an issue. It sucks because it's a waste not not be able to use that instead of ro or distilled
Without getting into specifics pop, approximately where are you located? I'm a geologist that does primarily groundwater work, there are certain parts of the country that are known for having specific trace elements in groundwater. I'm curious what kind of geology your well is installed in.

What's you pH?
Northeast USA, near the Canadian Border. Were on shale I believe

Without getting into specifics pop, approximately where are you located? I'm a geologist that does primarily groundwater work, there are certain parts of the country that are known for having specific trace elements in groundwater. I'm curious what kind of geology your well is installed in.

What's you pH?
They probably would not have completed a well in shale because it generally is pretty impermeable and won't produce enough water. The NE has a lot of fairly unique mineral content though. You can find a lot of data about different trace metals in GW across the US in this paper, but there is a LOT of variability locally.

Generally there is better mapping available at the state level.

This is an OLD report, but its actually a fairly decent guide that I use as a quick reference for assessing phytotoxicity of various trace elements in my work. Just remember, just because you have elevated levels in regional GW does not mean its in a form or concentration that is toxic to you or your plants. Correlation does not equal causation.

Try to get a pH measurement as close to the street or entry to your home as possible to rule out something in your household system that might be involved. Also a baseline ppm reading would be groovy if you have a ppm meter.

(I like puzzles in case you havn't guessed)

Thank You! this alone is more help than I've had in 4 years lol! My bathroom sink is the closest to the incoming water supply, its where I get the sample I have to submit every year. I just took tests. This morning PH is 7.67, and 142 ppms