Thanks Prez! Yeah from what I hear it started near Chicago... By the time it hit us it had picked up so much force coming across Indiana and Ohio where it's pretty much flat until you hit the Hocking Hills outside Columbus... So when it hit us it was a knockout! I was taking a nap and my Wife comes in and starts freaking out... "There's a 90 mile an hour wind coming!" I was like "What are you talking about?" LOL So I get up and go out back to get the cats in and I hear this massive ass roar coming... I looked up to the trees on our hill and they were leaning clear forward... And then shit just started blowing everywhere. I was dodging tree limbs. Shit flying down the hill. It was insane. I've heard wind through the trees but this was like a freight train. I imagine it being like a rogue wave but more like a rogue wind. Within 5 mins the power went out. Day literally turned to night. The sky was so dark and black you'd a thought it was 11pm or some shit. It was crazy!
Thanks Captain. Yeah I wish I had a generator or a neighbor like you. Of course the Cunt next door "trespasser" has a generator. But she didn't offer us shit. The guy on the other side of us is the only one on our road with his own spring. He had a holding tank set up with a hose and told us all around him to come get water when ever we wanted. Just put the hose back lol So that was awesome. Thank god my buddy owns a grocery store! First things that sold out were gasoline, water, then ice... So we had plenty of Ice and food we could handle. It was the damn heat that was the worst. You'd sweat your ass off just sitting still. So glad it's over!
Thank you Noods! Missed ya Bud! Yeah it's a good thing I chopped the Bucks. I found more mold that would have just destroyed everything if I hadn't stopped it! Hope things are well over across the pond! :smokebuds:
Thanks Brother Dub! You know that's right! I hate not being able to talk to you guys! We had someone or something looking after us because we live in a forest pretty much! Trees were down everywhere around us but none hit the house... My car got a bit barked up with branches sliding across the hood but I really can't complain. Lots of my neighbors lost siding and shingles. Luckily enough the house stayed together!

Sniper I'm very happy to hear you got a generator man because no power for a week is bullshit. I saw crews in town today from NY, MA, and SC so they are here and more are coming! I hope they get you turned on soon!! Yeah... that would get pretty ripe man! :no:
I'm delayed in getting pics up because of all the trimming that needs done because of the mold. I have to take #1 and #2 down as well so I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment... So as soon as I get them taken care of I'll get pics up my friends!!! Bear with me please!! :smokebuds: