OH there's news alright Captain! First of all, I don't know if you all heard on the news but West Virginia (among 10 other states) was nailed by 90 mile an hour winds Friday night. We lost power around 7pm and just got it back on around 4am Tuesday morn. We've been without power or water for 3 days... WV was hit the hardest. 85% of us lost power. We have a well so that means no water... I won't go on and on about how much shit we've been through in the last 3 days but the Girls took it hard...
I had to chop Juicy Fruit, Kush Bush, and Mo Plant due to mold. The blew UP because of the long dark period but they were getting very damp and wet. Nearly lost my Auto Crop and had to chop the Bobby's Dragon Auto due to mold. It didn't help that temps soared near 100, humidity was near 90%. Girls no likey... I took what pics I could as the camera battery was getting low and couldn't charge it up so I'll post their final pics later today sometime. So far what I've seen of the F2 babies they look great! Luckily this mass blackout came when they were nearly finished anyway so we didn't take too much of a loss...
I did weigh Juicy Fruit's cola after I trimmed her up and she weighed 28.6 grams wet. I would have loved to seen all their full weight if we didn't take some of them early... But either way I think I still may end up with a least a QP between the three of them. My best grow/yield to date! #1 and #2 are still alive and kicking and no signs of mold and they should pad the yield significantly when they finish up. I think what caused the mold to happen so quickly is the 3 of them had just been fed the night before and they were fairly wet. No fan or lights don't help either.. #1 and #2 I watered today earlier with some spring water my neighbor (my one good one!) let me get out of his spring. I told him I needed water for my toilets LOL he was a life saver. Surely if he knew I was getting water from him to water my plants I would be in jail right now! So I digress...
I'm spent. This weekend was the worst I ever had in my life and I'm so damn glad it's OVER!!! I hope Dub and Sniper got their power back on!! I'm sure they lost it. I know Sniper's area they were talking no power until this weekend! SO I hope to God they got power!! Sending what Positive Karma I have left out to my Brothers!!
Let's share one and be glad it's over... :smokebuds:
So despite the 3 days of hell and trying to keep a disaster at bay with my girls I have to say it could have been way worse!