Photoperiod WVR's Photo Grow

Lovin the structure bro! They look healthy as hell my friend! Cant wait to get a hold of some of those f2! :bow:
Thanks CC! PM you tomorrow for sure!!

You know you already have a grip of them reserved! :smokebuds: I just hope I can do you all proud with the F2's!!
Need help now!!!

Ok so it's been 16 days since the first Buck showed pistils. She's not budding up. I seem to be having a pattern here of non budding autos lately and it's driving me mad. I don't know if this is just a part of working a photo to auto but should I put them to 12/12 or what? I have plans to tomorrow and I really need some more expert advice on this... Am I doing the right thing putting them to 12/12?

This is the reality in the situation. My Wife is raggin' me about these girls. Now if I were ALONE I would let them go a little longer. But, since I have her bitching at me that "you don't know how to grow, BLAH BLAH BLAH" I'm feeling pressed to put them to 12/12. Same with the 3 Plants I have in my auto thread. That auto'd but won't quit vegging. At this point I'd just like to tell my Wife to stay the f*ck out of it because she does nothing but put me down about shit. And since she bought the lights and half the nutes she says she has equal say in what happens with all the plants. When really SHE is the one who has the ultimate say because she makes my life a living f*cking HELL until I do what she wants.

So I have 24 hours to make a decision. And really I don't have room for 6 Buckeye Smash and 3 Amazons in one closet. Also I think the 6th Buckeye I was waiting on is a male. Which is good news I guess but since they aren't budding do I use HIS pollen or a tried and true Auto pollen for them? It's amazing how things can get shitty in a blink of an eye...

A lot of photos, will start sprouting pistils, around week 5 or so, but will only start budding, upon switching the lights, to 12/12. My Larry OG Mom, has pistils on every branch, but she has been under 24/7 lighting for 12 weeks. You may have just gotten your Buckeyes, to indicate early, but not have an autoflower. If your goal is a full auto, I would hit one with auto pollen, preferably the same strain auto pollen you used before. While I have never created an auto strain, I have done a bit of breeding for photos, and have one photo, Razorberry, which I have stabilized. Best of luck bro.

Dude....Stay strong!

Just show her my grows and tell her I have spent a shitload of cash on gear for a few ounces in return, its true...ask the She-princess :)
At least your plants are always the correct color..

Stunted Growing
So now I feel like a complete f*cking dumb ASS --- I guess that's what happens when 1) you don't do research and 2) get all excited for nothing!!

So I obviously have all early showing photos. Showed at 29 days and 32 days. Oh well. At least they will give me a huge ass yield.

Thanks Homie. You brought something very important to my attention. They are going to 12/12 and gonna get dusted by the Speedy Gonzales pollen I have. I'll keep you all posted on the progress.

Thanks again Brother.
I seem to be hearing a lot about our woman nagging our growing. Stay strong brother and when in doubt burn one down.:smokebuds:
p.s. if she thinks your a dip-shit grow wise why not set her up a cab to see how she does? :crying:
sorry to hear of all your lady troubles mate.... sounds like you need to hand her a joint next time and get her stoned so she cant talk shit... lol

just remeber when you're laying nect to her at night... that not everyone has someone to curl up with... theres greener grass on both sides... :toke:
No doubt Greenthumper! I tell her the same thing and I just get a f*ck you! So that will be the day she tries to grow anything.

Stunted! You're too funny Mate! It just makes her feel better to put me down.

JM, I hear ya brother, I really do. Although, 24 hours with my Wife in this mood she's in will make anyone want to be alone! :smokebuds: Perhaps someone should tell her the same thing about me... oh wait, they'd get a big f*ck you as well. Stunted I think I'll take your CowBeast and ShePrincess and call my Wife SheBeast. Non stop... she's talking shit to me as I type...

OK I'm gonna go prep my Bucks to go to 12/12 and get the barking out of my ear!!! This is what life is like when she doesn't have proper meds... Make anyone want to take a long walk off a short pier. And they say Pot isn't Meds?? HA They never met my WIFE.

I feel for ya dude, I truly do...remember to try to block it out and not punch it out :toke:

Stunted Brawl