Outdoor Woolly's Honey Holes

3.25 pounds off the auto Frisian dew? How long did it grow for? In your journal from last season?

I wish!! Nah the photoperiod Frisian dew was the plant I grew out....I started her on april the 1st, and harvested on sept the 20th.
Just did a quick fly by of my ladies everyone was looking good except the Bloody Skunk, seems a woodland critter was hungry and ate the top, all that's left is the the cotyledons 9/10 after a few weeks ain't bad.
One of the sugar mangos has been eaten also, everything else is alive the only wildcard is the oldest dark devil haven't seen it since planting.
Sorry to hear about two of your plants being eaten.
Have you tried doing anything to keep the critters away from your plants?

I would like to share some of my notes about what i plan on doing about critters for my next remote outdoor. Maybe you can try some of it too.

Leave your own piss or some kind of predator piss in bottles with the cap off or poked holes in it and place it in the ground up to the neck of the bottle or where it will not fall over to keep the scent in area for longest time to deter critters.

Ive also heard that mixing piss with 90% alcohol will keep it from going bad too fast. Not sure if really needed.

Beer in a cup or container of choice to attract slugs to climb up and fall into it and keep off plants. For some reason they like beer lol..
Also copper wire around base of plant is supposed to keep slugs away.

Deer repellant, moth balls or whatever else you think will deter critters inside a container or bottle with lid or cap off somewhere secure or slightly buried so it wont fall over to keep the scent the longest etc.

Soak some 550 cord or rope in something like liquid fence or whatever else you think might work to deter critters and make a circle with it around your plants on the ground and cover it with leaves or bury it a little. This can be replaced by a freshly soaked rope as you see fit.

Just remember to be careful about what goes into the soil around your grow that your plants may be able to absorb.

And of course with any deterrents be mindful of the environment and keep everything looking natural so it cant be spotted by ground or air.

I hope this helps.:goodluck:
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Thanks Smorf ! I should have waited another 2 weeks to put them out when they were a little more established / less likely to be eaten by a deer. I like the idea of soaking a rope with liquid fence. They're worked into the surrounding plants well enough it's damn hard to see / find them myself I could have easily put a 1 foot tall chicken wire tube around them until they were a couple weeks past the seedling stage. Planning on visiting everyone this weekend hopefully they are all there !
Bummer, man. Sorry to hear about your wee babies. :( I contemplated moose many times when I built my little plant-shack.