Indoor Winter Autos By MOG

Any perceptible difference in quality between the two brands?
I grew different strains so that would not tell us anything but as far as plant performance the H&G was better until I learned how to grow with the GL MC. I am now just learning the new 2 part. I liked H&G and grew good plants with it but I am a cheap bastard so I love GreenLeaf :kiss:now!
I have been running GL MC for a while now. I have not done the math on this grow but compared to House & Garden against MC v2 1 part. It cost almost $500 for the House & Garden compared to $50 for the Mega Crop and another $50 for the bio-stimulants so $500 vs $100. I will do the math after this grow again.
MC for the win! Lasts so much longer
I added up what I used in the last grow of photoperiod plants.


I added up what I used in the last grow of photoperiod plants.

View attachment 1281536

So you are saving like 300+ a grow????

How many plants at a time?

I use expensive bottled nutes, but even then, I think its only like 150 per grow maybe. I didn't think there were even more expensive options!!!!

Once I get growing itself down a little better, I gotta get into figuring out nutes better. 1 step at a time though.
I added up what I used in the last grow of photoperiod plants.

View attachment 1281536


Since moving from RDWC and weekly water changes to DTW and stetile with HTH that I can dial in as I go, I am saving a ridiculous amount of money.

Using AN Connoisseur PH Perfect Bloom A&B (local grow shop had given me a killer deal on six gallon jugs) from start to finish instead of both Grow and Bloom as TaNgs auto feeding schedule describes but pushing the numbers up as the plants respond. This time around I've eliminated Carboload (read it doesn'tplay well in drippers), Overdrive (has always caused issues even at lower doses), Great White, and Hydroguard. That alone saves me like $100 a grow and since going from live to sterile res my ph has remained absolutely rock solid in the 2-3 days between res refills.

Once I run the AN Connoisseur out, I am looking at either Floraflex or MC to even further reduce my cost per grow as I dial in my process more and more. Have seen great success with MC from folks grow logs!
I just love to see all the strains of canna! I liken this interest to my obsession I had when growing tomatoes, cantaloupes and watermelons.
I grew tomato monsters with a kinda oddball/unconventional method. I never used any kind of fertilizer on them. It was always no til and thick layers of compost and mulch. In the final rendition, I used 6 fencing T-posts with chicken wire wrapped around the T-posts about 4ft in diameter and filled with my compost. This compost was made with the demands of tomatoes.
I planted four seedlings around each compost pile. The tomatoes got their water from Mother Nature and me watering the compost pile. The first year I made 5 of these, not knowing what was in store for me! LOL! I soon found that I had to figure out how in the hell I was gonna stake these monsters. I could have made the stakes 20ft tall and they would have wanted more! LOL!
that skunk is really catching up, she was SO small before! Plants look great and I am loving they purple the PKCBD are starting to take on, but all look healthy and happy.