Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

Black Jack day 75 update on the bubble bucket girl her feed is 2 ml cal mag,2ml dutch pro bloom A+B(each), 2 ml overdrive,2.5 ml cannazyme and 0.5 ml sm-90 per ltr of water (ph 5.8) I make it up in 5 ltr batches to top up the bucket
its hard to get a shot of her (just looks like one big plant so you will have to do with bud shots


now the coco girls im trying to nip calmag def in the bud pun intended so im now feeding 2ml calmag,2ml dutch pro bloom A+B and 2 ml overdrive being fed 6x a day for 1 minute and could only get bud shots theres just to much going on in the tent at the moment(meaning im a lazy arse) pic time


now rhubarb love this bud on a stick


and still no light for the little girl but a week today there should be an extra 300 watts of cree goodness

the worst thing is ive lost interest in this grow but only because I cant wait to set up my autopots ha ha well that's all for now have a great weekend :pass:
lookin nice an frosty, don't lose interest they can tell lol
ha ha I just cant seem to dial this in but the worst thing is I cant be arsed (ive got a shit load of bud so its not as if I will run out) might feel I bit better when I get the triffid out of the way might even start flushing the blackjacks soon go for a trippy buzz I'm always the same when I get new toys to play with (autopots) but ive decided get all these down clean the tent hasn't been cleaned properly in over a year beside the odd brush out then I will probably start a thread in the led section and start again :pass:
Going for the Autopots?
They seem to growing in popularity.
I am doing a little Diy flood setup with the Autovalve.
Do you have an empty Autopot?
Could you take a pic of the bottom?
I need to see the hole configuration, so that I can see what size and number of holes I should put in my pots.
Thanks Wile-e.
Can you drop a link in here when you fire up a new thread?
It would be nice to follow your success/experiences with the Autopots.
That will be 3 journals with Autopots that I will be watching.
You, Pops22 and Hasnbricks.
Good info for peeps.
Thanks again
Going for the Autopots?
They seem to growing in popularity.
I am doing a little Diy flood setup with the Autovalve.
Do you have an empty Autopot?
Could you take a pic of the bottom?
I need to see the hole configuration, so that I can see what size and number of holes I should put in my pots.
Thanks Wile-e.
Can you drop a link in here when you fire up a new thread?
It would be nice to follow your success/experiences with the Autopots.
That will be 3 journals with Autopots that I will be watching.
You, Pops22 and Hasnbricks.
Good info for peeps.
Thanks again
I will be using bubble buckets as well as autopots and I will get you a pic of the autopot bottoms in a minute dude and will post a link when I start a new journal one :pass:
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One line of questioning,
do they have raised edges or bumps to keep them slightly elevated so that there is a space between the pot and the tray?
Or do they sit directly contacting the tray?
I wonder why the slits and not just holes? Better absorption or less litter from the pot losing coco?
Thanks for the help.
One line of questioning,
do they have raised edges or bumps to keep them slightly elevated so that there is a space between the pot and the tray?
Or do they sit directly contacting the tray?
I wonder why the slits and not just holes? Better absorption or less litter from the pot losing coco?
Thanks for the help.
the pots are flat don't know if its to do with the root control disc and at the bottom of the pots you put hydroton clay balls enough to cover your airdomes(with the airdomes going I guess its like mini hydroponics in coco) now the trays have a slight indentation (ooo big word Monday)

just ordered a third pot and tray so I will be running 3 autopots hope that helps