Grow Mediums Wile e Peyote's continuous multi strain drip and coco spectacular

Man @Wile e Peyote ,that AU is looking like a monster !!!
cheers dude she is a beast taking up nearly half my tent cheeky fecker I suppose I should update my black jacks
update time first up bb girl being fed 1 ml liquid silica,1.5 ml cal mag,1.5ml dutch pro bloom A+B(each), 1 ml dutch pro explode,2.5 ml cannazyme and 0.5 ml sm-90 per ltr of water (ph 5.8) now she is drinking more water than food (ec rises) to combat this ive started to feed her just water and cal mag (ph'd to 5.8 for topping up the bucket) when the ec starts to drop I will add back the nutes cant be arsed doing a whole bucket change to bloody lazy pic time



I have to say these are by far some of the frostiest ladys ive ever had the pleasure to grow coco time
1 ml liquid silica,1 ml cal mag,2 ml canna A+B (each)and 2 ml big bud per ltr of water being fed 4x a day
first up big girl in coco



now rhubarb


and managed to get a pic of the littlest girl

how the hell shes still going I will never know hardly any light and shes still frosty full tent shot

as you my have noticed I'm getting a few defs the joys of a shared res sort out one plant the others start to play up some want more nitrogen some less the weird thing is only showing defs up directly under the cob (while the rest of the plant looks fine)makes me wonder if the cob lights burn through more nutes than normal LED's well the big bitch at the back will be starting her final flush in the next day or two so more light to the Black Jacks have a great weekend :pass:
after writing this I decided to swap out the water in the bubble bucket girl never could get on top of some of the defs shes been getting so with that her feed is now
1 ml liquid silica,2 ml magne cal (full strength),1.5 ml dutch pro bloom A+B,2.5 ml cannazyme,0.5 ml sm-90 and 1 ml overdrive per ltr of water (ph 5.8) ec 1.4 hopefully now I know whats exactly in the bucket instead of just topping it up I can dial her in better and hoping overdrive can give her a nudge :pass:
Looking excellent bro! The joys of a shared res eh! Congratulats too mate i hear your ultimate is in the march bom! :thumbsup:
Cheers dude for the nom ye shared resses can be a bit of a pain some need more watering some less I usually feed less then top up by hand any that need more feed but with a full tent is a bit hard and im going to be even busier just got the ok on the dog adoption so on Tuesday I should be picking up two new members of clan Wile can't wait [emoji1]
Good luck with the new dogs buddy!
cheers dude the girl is 7 getting on a bit the male is 5 but every time we have been to walk them they wont leave each other alone like a proper married couple :pighug:
All caught up. Thjngs are looking good wile.
Good luck with the pups.
cheers for the like bomb dude how life dude and any new threads open these will be my last grow on this thread will probably open one in the LED section as that seems to be the only constant in my grows ha ha
Great stuff Wile and great news about the dogs.
ye red cant wait had the visit and the final meet and greet roll on Tuesday going to try and get a couple of days off work already phoned my boss he said shouldn't be a problem so hurry up Tuesday :d5: