Indoor WildBill's Spring 2022 Photo and Auto grow

Got everything done before lights off...........even got a few more things done.
Maybe I can now post this update without windows screwing with me.

I mixed up two gallons of water with the following ingredients:
Aminos at the rate of 2TB/5gal
Humic Acid at the rate of 1/4 tsp.5gal. This is my base water for all the girls in this grow. The only exception will be the nute test girl. She'll get plain water as a base.
BigFoot Soluble mycos and Recharge at the recommended maintenance rate.
Molasses at 1 TB/gal
Dash of ThermX to promote water absorption......important for re-wetting media.
EWC is from my worms.
Compost is Coast of Maine Lobster. Very pretty product!
3 Bears OG X Double Grape


Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie

Worked in two cups of EWC into the EB. Worked in well enough as to not possibly form a crusty layer if for some chance it dried out. I won't put EWC on top as the final layer on any kind of pot anymore for that reason.

Added about 3/4 cup of BAS Craft Blend

In the EWC there were a few babies. I've found out that worms DO NOT like to come into contact with Craft Blend for some reason. I guess it's the drying rock dust. It makes them wriggle like crazy. I guess it's good that I saw 'em wriggling. It made sure I mixed that in and I chose to water all that in and begin to re-wet the media and introduce the microbes and mycos in the water along with moving the Craft Blend and EWC goodies down a bit in the media structure.
Baby worms moved down into the media. Roughly half a gallon of water used


While waiting for the water to settle in the EB.......Applied a layer of EWC to both WA girls and mixed it in well.
Watered around the edge thoroughly.

Added a layer of compost and wetted that down.

Done something a little different. I added a little bit of Dumor Chicken Laying crumble and then a bit of bokashi and lightly watered that down. I'm not putting on the cover for a few days for the girl to get some more height to her. I may have to reapply the bokashi and maybe the crumble. Won't hurt if I do, it will just be more food for the baby worms and other helpers. Can't really add adult worms to this grow. I neglected both worm bins and had to rework the smaller one. I picked out all the adults and large amount of the babies and put them in the fresh box. Just need to get another small tote to store the castings in and I can restart the big bin after a bit to give the small one to repopulate better.


Dug out a spot in the other EB for the AVT in the planter and set her to be ready for transplant. Sprayed the bottom of the hole and all around it to set it and add the goodies.
She'll get the same treatment, hopefully in a few days.
The little ones in the planters and cup got watered well with the same solution as all the others. Nothing was too hot for babies.

Tent after everything!
I'm gonna probe the EB with my moisture meter in a few minutes to get an over all idea of how evenly and well I watered. I check the rez, just to be sure. If it's fine, I'll add one gal of the humic acid stock water. Hopefully everything will wick well and bring up the moisture level to the entire EB and the rez will be empty by Friday or Saturday.
I think everything went well with no problems.
Acapulco Gold above ground
Just checked at first light and everyone is happily praying to the MarsHydro SP6500
I also reset the light after turning it down to do all the work. Reset it to 250. Will raise the levels slightly next week when the little ones catch up.
Speaking of little ones, the replacement Acapulco Gold is up and unfurled. Too bad I can't say the same for the two problem children. I'm gonna give them until Monday to come up. I'll pick something else to go into the EB Jrs.
I guess I'll take 'extreme measures' to try and germ this strain in the next grow. I have no idea why they are being difficult. I've been in contact with the breeder from the beginning. He even sent out seeds directly from him and a batch he ran tests sprouts. This is without me asking for him to do that. Both of us are stumped as to why. All seeds were treated exactly the same way. I only had one other seed failure and that was because of my seed placement. It germed but died.
I'll just pull out all the stops when I attempt to germ this girl again..........even if these do happen to take.
Yesterday, I reluctantly gave my youngest girls some aminos. I just didn't want to mix up a small batch. Evidently, they really loved it. I expected it outta the bigger girls with the much bigger root system.
Very nice 24 hr response in size, color and texture on all.
I got in close and got to see the mikos in early development. Sure hope it's doing the same around the roots. The last ones I used the BigFoot on had really hairy roots in the little planter. I do like the soluble mycos better. I think you can get them where they need to be in a better fashion.
Gave the EB girl her first, of hopefully many, gallon of water. It had one oz of EM1 in the gallon to get things started off right. I'm hoping Sunday or Monday for a dry rez. Maybe sooner with no cover, but I want her higher first.
I think I'm gonna go ahead and finalize bag size and fill 'em up and make a spot for the transplant.
Still nothing from my Jr girls. If nothing by Sunday, I'll find something else. I could not plant anything also. That would mean only 2 3gal photos in a 2x4 It would be Wizard Apprentice x Tangie. I may just do that.
Tent shot this morning!

I'm beginning to think the Mars SP6500 has too much blue light for veg. Even with relatively low ppfd, the girls are trending to be squatty. I didn't really notice it that much with the SP3000
3 Bears OG X Double Grape 15 days above ground


Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie 14 and 12 days above ground


The rear one had a little wonky leaves, but she's growing out of it.
Gonna pot up the girls that are in in planters, so I can figure out If I have more room in the 4x4.
2x4 is still up in the air with the girls to go into the EB Jrs not busting the ground. All I know is that Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie are going there.........they are photos or fast photos.
If they don't germ, I think those two are the only ones going in that tent. If anything, I'll throw a couple of Stompers in from the seeds I made.
Well, everyone is in their prospective tents
Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie are in the 2X4. Strung up one of my old table top fans upside down. It;s out of the way for the most part, but does shade a small part of the light. I had to bring in an outlet strip into the tent. I don't really like having anything like that inside the tent, but the Mars Hydro tent needs better cord outlet opening locations .
I'm almost tempted to throw the old CaliLightWorks Solar Flare in there! We'll see!
I placed a 10 gal fabric pot in between the two WAs. and Elephant will go there.She'll just have to deal with 12/12 when I flip. Her DLI will be the same as the Wiz. Maybe not as high as it would be in the 4x4, but it will be enough to make some good canna!

I placed my starter with the two problem children outside. I misted both bottom and dome and gave them a little drink. They will germ or not.

Everyone in the 4x4 got placed in their pots for transplanting, maybe the weekend.
Two Earthboxes, 4 3gal pots and one 7gal.fabric pot I dropped a Twenty20 OgreBerry in some water and she'll go in the 7gal
No regular Sunday update as I was doing my best imitation of Frenchie making temple balls and infused oil.
I did install the cover on the Earthbox girl, wetted the top a bit and added a bit of bokashi to the top.
A morning check shows an explosion of mycos going crazy. REALLY good response for 12hrs!
Almost all the water is gone, but if it's not used up by tomorrow, I'll just turkey baster out the remaining and put fresh in with more EM1.
OgreBerry is screwing with me and hasn't broken the surface. yet! Still early though.