Indoor WildBill's Spring 2022 Photo and Auto grow

Late weekly update.
All girls still on 18/6
VPD still running .8 for the little ones............another week or so.
2x4 running at 350ppfd
4x4 running at 250ppfd

Yesterday, 3 Bears OG X Double Grape got 1.5 gal of stock humic water with EM1 1.5 of EM1 in the rez
AVT got the EB prep with Craft blend, EWC and Coast Of Maine lobster compost as the other EB girl.
I watered in the top dressings and the base media with same mixture as the potted girls in the tent
All potted girls go fully watered with Garret Juice at half rate, splash of ThermX, labeled rate on Bigfoot, Recharge and Aminos at 2TBS/5gal

4x4 Tent shot


MISS WONKEY! I don't think she needs to be bred So that screws up my intended seed making

Baby Ogreberry

Rainbow Glue

Acapulco Gold

3 Bears OG X Double Grape is raging as she gets on the rez. Gotta kove EBs!

Alien VS Triangle

Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie


2x4 Tent Shot
Someone is gonna get her first bit of :naughtystep: today!
I planted her on one end of the EarthBox, so I could just lay her over for LST and break the main cola dominance.
Looking at her structure, I think I'm gonna have a time keeping up with the suckers. We'll see.
I didn't look for it, but found it in the pic. She's showing sex this morning.

3 Bears OG X Double Grape

I've noticed a slight shade change on new growth. Maybe whatever problem she had from day one is correcting itself, or she's adapting.
AVT Rez with 1gal to the rez
4x4 Auto Tent
3 Bears OG X Double Grape is slightly darker, but a little less happy this morning. A slight droop in her leaves
So I did the only thing I really want to do to correct the problem, without possibly complicating the situation. I drained the rez.
I'll let it sit like that to at least lights on, but probably I'll refill the rez in the morning. I'll double the rate of the light humic acid dose, but with no EM1 Just keeping it more simple. I can see a slight purpling of some stems on the fan leaves. I haven't pHed the drained liquid yet, but it smells fine. Looks like I might make a SST and give the topdress some.

AVT received 1 gal of plain water with humic acid in the rez. I sprinkled Terp Tea on the top and wetted it down with the feed water for her other rentmates. I'm gonna let her run like that for a few days to get some more height before the cover goes on. I’m really tempted to plant a cover crop and go without a cover. It may be a big gnat attractant. I need to find a good seed mix......have two row barley and it would work great, but I need a mix with some clover.
Other girls in the 4x4 got feed with humic at the higher rate, 1tsp/gal aminos and sprinkles the Terp Tea on top at 1TBS per plant and watered it in. It wasn't a full watering though. I put the terp tea in the gallon of feed water before I realized it will clog my sprayer. So I'm saing that until lights on and will bottom feed it. The solution is in a bucket with an air stone.
All other girls look happy, even the mutant Fat Blueberry.She;s just not growing outta it.

Fat Blueberry was to be the second set of girls for the reversal test, but I can't breed mutants. That's why I dropped 4 S1 Sour Stompers I made in water this morning.
Holy crap! The four Stompers are already split and very tiny tails showing! A little over 12hrs??? Damn! Never had seeds crack that damn quick!
Since the test mycos isn't here, I guess I have to put them in little planters and use the mycos in the media in the pots and at transplant. May have to put one or two in Clay pots, but I do have a exhaust fan and filter coming Wed. So I can open the 2.3x2.3 tent then. Clones and a couple of Stompers could go there.
They get planted after I wake up.

The earlier watering wasn't a full watering. I finished up by bottom watering all the regular pots until full. with the aerated terp tea. All girls seemed to tolerate it well.and are perky a fe r later.

Water from the rez was 6.6, so no nute in the rez causing a flip in pH. The w=base water I made up has double the humic acid, still conservative. Later today, I'll add the fresh base water by itself. I'm gonna add two full gallons so maybe I can bring up the top of the media's moisture level a slight bit.
Growth on 3 Bears OG X Double Grape is still fast-paced. I think I'll sprinkle some of the terp tea on top, a little bokashi and lightly wet it in, before I add the rez water.
Maybe pics on time Sunday!
Looking good in there Bill.
Thanks man! Aside from my mutant Fat Blueberry and the slightly light 3 Bears OG X Double Grape, all the girls are doing well.

I didn't draw more water last night, early this morning, so I can't add the water to the rez of 3 Bears OG X Double Grape. It worked out fine, though. I top dressed with some Terp Tea and a sprinkling of bokashi and wetted that in a little.
I'll fill the rez fully today. I think she'll have the rez dry by Friday at this point of her growth stage. By fully filling the rez now, it will lower the head pressure for the moisture to work its way further up into the top of the media to raise the moisture level of the very top.
I think she's coming around with getting a bit greener, but she is a sensitive girl. She didn't like me cutting off the fan while working her and showed it with a little droop.
I'll start her training at lights on after I fill the rez. Just gonna pull her over to the far end of the EB.

Just a bit ago.
Thanks man! Aside from my mutant Fat Blueberry and the slightly light 3 Bears OG X Double Grape, all the girls are doing well.

I didn't draw more water last night, early this morning, so I can't add the water to the rez of 3 Bears OG X Double Grape. It worked out fine, though. I top dressed with some Terp Tea and a sprinkling of bokashi and wetted that in a little.
I'll fill the rez fully today. I think she'll have the rez dry by Friday at this point of her growth stage. By fully filling the rez now, it will lower the head pressure for the moisture to work its way further up into the top of the media to raise the moisture level of the very top.
I think she's coming around with getting a bit greener, but she is a sensitive girl. She didn't like me cutting off the fan while working her and showed it with a little droop.
I'll start her training at lights on after I fill the rez. Just gonna pull her over to the far end of the EB.

Just a bit ago.
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Yeah, some seem to be more sensitive than others....Got three 3BOG x Samsquatch normal feed is fine, the full on GLB is fine but the one just getting the minimal GLB is showing signs of cal or phos def again......if I get enough pollen off the GT I won't use it on that one.
Yeah, some seem to be more sensitive than others....Got three 3BOG x Samsquatch normal feed is fine, the full on GLB is fine but the one just getting the minimal GLB is showing signs of cal or phos def again......if I get enough pollen off the GT I won't use it on that one.
Good call! That's why I had to drop some Sour Stompers. The one Fat Blueberry mutant is showing me she's just gong stay that way.
If I can get the mycos test stuff in, all will be in that test and two in the reversal. I'll be able to gauge the effectiveness of the mycos since I've grown them before.
Yeah, I got 2 bags of the Xtreme gardening mycos WP so I'm staying out of it...would be kinda greedy if I tried when I got a lot on the vidamints raffle...I have a 5 pack in the fridge I haven't run yet, no need to be a greedy sod