Indoor WildBill's Spring 2022 Photo and Auto grow

Put the training clips to use.
3 Bears OG X Double Grape got her bottom and any suckers and small stuff removed.
Main stem pull was moved to the end and take another pull. I'm trying to keep moving the top to the end of the EB and the branches coming off that will be new colas, all fighting for dominance. Main stem is getting very thick, So I thing she'll be able to support a lot.

Alien VS Triangle got her cover installed. I top dressed with Terp Tea and bokashi and wetted that down with stock humic water with half dose rate of aminos and a splash of Garrett juice.
Acapulco Gold needed water, so she got some terp tea and the same water ton water it. 1-oz cup of stock humic was bottom watered after the top watering settled.

Rainbow Glue is jumping, so she got a bit of LST with the clips and terp tea watered in..

Other than the Mutant Fat Blueberry, the girls in both tents are doing great.
Sleep sucked!
I can live with it with my tents doing well. I turned up both lights in both to around 550ppfd. They responded VERY positively!
3BOG X DG is doing amazingly well. The adjustable clips were super easy to install and use. I keep moving the main cola down the pot and two new colas keep popping up. If she keep that growth up until it reaches the end of the pot, there's gonna be quite a few main colas. AVT is the next for training and I'm just gonna do the same with her.
Rainbow Glue has jumped a couple inches after her topping and training.

2x4 tent is doing well too. The biggest Wizard got her first bit of training and is bulking up. I'm gonna have to flip to12/12 very soon. I;m just waiting until the smaller Wizard progresses a bit more. I'll flip after she recovers from her first bit of training.

2.3x2.3 tent ran last night and she's stable at 82*F 70Rh. With it running, MAYBE I can get things together and actually make progress to be able to get a reversal done. One thing or another has got in the way. I've never grown it, but I was gifted some Meph ChemBubbly. so it's gonna be the candidate.
All girls still on 18/6
VPD still running .8 .............Early flowering will raise that this week
2x4 running at 450ppfd
4x4 running at 450ppfd

GROUP SHOT.........more true color

Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie 33 DAYS ABOVE GROUND


Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie ,,,,,,,,,,,,flash threw off color
Last feeding of GLB nutes went fine and new nutes will be made up tomorrow


Fat Blueberry 27 DAYS ABOVE GROUND


MUTANT Fat Blueberry 27 DAYS ABOVE GROUND.....just going to let her run


Rainbow Glue 26 days above ground


Acapulco Gold 20 DAYS ABOVE GROUND

Alien VS Triangle 26 DAYS ABOVE GROUND


3 Bears OG X Double Grape 34 days above ground
AVT has drained her rez
First light shows AVT has drained her rez. I think she took a day longer than I figured.
I have freshly activated EM1 that I'll add with two gallons.
As soon as 3 Bears OG X Double Grape drains her rez, She'll get her first flower nutes. It will be my FFJ mixed into a slurry with the Coast of Maine Lobster compost. On top of that will be a sprinkling of Craft Blend and Terp Tea. To top it off will be a thin layer of Alfalfa hay. It has a nice texture with a good mix of leaves and stems. Just another home for all the microbe helpers.
Tonight, all potted girls get a layer of Alfalfa hay and wetted in.
3 Bears OG X Double Grape drained a two gallon rez fill. Both 3 Bears OG X Double Grape and AVT got 2gal each
3 Bears OG X Double Grape drained her rez overnight, so both EB girls received 2 gal each, with EM1 at 1oz/gal.
3 Bears OG X Double Grape got top dressed for flower. I mixed a slurry of lobster compost, 12ml off my FFJ, 7TBS of Terp Tea with roughly a gallon of humic water @ 1tsp /5gal. 3TBS of Craft Blend was sprinkled of top before slurry was applied. A little bokashi was sprinkled on top before slurry was applied. A layer of alfalfa hay was applied on top of everything.

Rainbow Glue got 3TBS of Terp Tea, 1TBS of Craft blend and topped off with alfalfa hay. She also got more LST with the clips
Both Wizard's Apprentice x Tangie and Elephant received LST, cleaning up bottoms, Craft blend, and alfalfa hay on top .
ChemBubbly above ground June 15, 2022
2 ChemBubbly are above ground in the 2.3x2.3!:woohoo:
IF one of them are not a mutant, they will be reversal girls. Since I'll transplant these, I'll use them for the mycos test.
Bill, have you ever used aminos for nitrogen? I was thinking about giving it a try while not blending my dirt as hot. I got the idea from a BuildASoil vid in which Jeremy recommends using it.