New Grower why to put your plants in small pots first?

Jul 15, 2013
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why should i "repot" in several larger containers fromtime to time?

i heard, that it is necessary so that the plants don't burn because of too much fertilizer, that is concentrated in areas, where the plants roots haven't reached those spots, yet. an when they reach it, the concentrated fertilizer in this area could kill your plant.

but when i don't use any fertilizer - repotting in larger containers at the right time is not nessecary? is this right?
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Repotting isn`t usually recommended for autos. Tierring your pots works better(or start in the pot, you will finish in). If you repot(transplant) you can stress your girl and stunt her(autos don`t have the same time as photos too recover!) A large pot is required if you want a large plant or are worried about your girl getting rootbound. The `concentrated` fert thing dosen`t sound quite right mate...I guess you could get a residual salt build-up from ferts, but then a `flush` should sort that out!:2cents: :peace:
I may be in the minority, but I've used only 2-3 ltr pots for years and have produced nice size plants with plenty of herb production. When I first started growing autos and had a large room, I did use 1 gal containers but after a move and reduction of grow area, found that 2-3 ltr could produce almost as much, sometimes more product....with proper care. Presently I have some thunder dragon, Stone dragon, NL, and a couple of photos in small pots & doing fine.
Watering, feeding and lighting are my keys to growing hefty autos in small places.
As far as I was aware its because they like a changing moisture level tend to grow faster when the time between cycles is shorter. That happens when the pot size is appropriate for the plant size... A big pot will hold lots of water that the seedling wouldnt require and increase damp, I plant straight into big pots but water a little bit every so often, want it moist not damp I believe
thank you for your help! ;) so it is ok what i did?:

i putted the seedlings directly into 11 liter pots, no wet hankerchief or a glass of water or something vodoo, hehe :D the upper 10cm of the soil in the pot is compost soil. all around it is the biobizz all mix. no jiffys or so...
could it be easier and more practical?! ;)

i did't find the words "tierring" and "rootbound" in my dictionary - could you explain them?
Hey mate

I believe root bound is when you pot your plant in a pot small enough that the roots hit the edges and can't grow any further even tho they would like to

Tiering I'll leave to the pros :)
Tho tiering might be when you cut the bottom off your initial pot and plant the entire thing directly Into your new one

Rather than actually perform a transplant
Tiering is another word for layers as in a stadium of seats , root bound is when the plants roots outgrow the space they are contained within...

You wont have any trouble with 11l pots, I used just compost in my previous grow I found it easy to overwater... Seems to hold alot more water than other mediums
I use tiering just because I use air-pots. I like to have a seed planted into a 16oz cup that has the bottom cut out and then put into a 1 gal air pot. The reason I do that is to help with watering. Air pots take extra care when watering, if you over do it water comes out of the sides too quickly. With a plant in a cup in a pot, I can direct the water right to the center of the plant and roots and not lose it to run off the sides. :2cents:

thank you all;) i understood!

by the way - my 5 mytic blue plants are doinfg great!!! it's day 4 sincetheybroke through into dalight and i can already see the second real leaves! i'm so excited about them, feels like a fever or something like that... :D :D