Dinafem White Widow XXL

Lovely autumn colours Ronin mate, she's a beaut. :bow::bow:
Thanks @Dazed :toke:
beautiful girl take a well deserved :slap:
Thank for the Rep slappage @Wile e Peyote :worship:

Ronin I'm wondering if you would please answer a couple questions.
Does your medium contain added perlite or coco or is it straight 707?
Do you water "frequently but in small amounts" like the dinafem website suggests for this strain? I'm not even sure what that entails. I'm always concerned about overwatering.
Lastly, you mentioned using General Organics, but didnt name bioThrive in her diet, which I think is the bloom base nute for their line. Did you leave that out?
Thank you Ronin. I want to master an auto xxl on the first try and this will likely be the one.
#1: Straight 707
#2: Regarding watering... I water in small amounts when they are young. I feed/water at the base of the stem to focus the taproot to tap out of the bottom of the pot asap.
Once I see the roots have tapped out, I begin full feed/waterings. For me in 2 gallon Airpots, that is 1 liter per feed/water.
#3: Bio Thrive is the generic term for both the Grow and Bloom components of the G.O. line. Since switching over to the 707 I have not needed to feed any of the Grow. The BioBloom was used throughout her flowering phase.:cheers: