Dinafem The Best Kind of Threesome: Moby Dick XXL and 2 White Widow XXL

Update Day 25:

Last time I tried to FIM, but I sort of FIMed the FIM even though it still seems to have worked. More on that next time, perhaps. This update, however, is a little bit more radical. A friend is experimenting with rooting the stem and I intend on adding to the experiment. The short version involves applying rooting gel to one side of the stem and then strapping that side to the ground. This should (and does) result in roots forming much further up the stem closer to bud sites. The idea is that nutrients have less far to travel potentially aiding growth. No idea if this improves yields or quality yet, but it's worth a shot. Also no idea if anyone has tried this (probably, stoners can be clever when we're not too goddamn stoned).

This update shows only Moby Dick, though I have applied this method to all three plants in this journal. Approach this as if you would rooting a cutting/clone.

Instructions for the curious:
Tools used: Rubber coated metal wire, wire cutters, Remo Roots, plastic plant tag (something to apply the gel with), tiny bit of extra coco, spray bottle (water)

Step 1: I pulled all three plants over the day before so they would be less likely to pull away from the ground. The first photo is before applying the gel. I had to hold her head up for the picture because the initial LST was so severe (no damage was done to the base, she's nice and anchored). Exactly how I wanted her.
MD XXL day 25a.jpg

Step 2: As with cuttings/clones, we want to rough up the area before applying the gel. The area we want to focus on is the internodes. This seems to be where the roots will emerge. I used my finger nail so I probably didn't do a great job roughing the plant. Use the plastic plant tag (not pictured) to apply the gel to the internodes.
MD XXL day 25b.jpg

Step 3: After you apply the gel, quickly strap the stem back down to the substrate. You can put a little bit of coco under the stem so it doesn't have as far to bend (the point is to have the bottom of the internodes touching the substrate at all times to promote root growth).
MD XXL day 25c.jpg

Step 4: With the stem firmly strapped down, cover the internode areas with a little bit of coco. Enough to cover the area but not so much that we choke any leaves. After doing that, gently mist the coco so it will cling to the stem. Congratulations, you now have a cannabis plant that looks like it's been stepped on by an elephant.
MD XXL day 25d.jpg

I wonder if this happens a lot to Durban Poison plants...
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Update Day 28/22:

The younger of the two Widows (day 22, six days behind) is already showing white pistils--the older one (day 28) is as well, but not quite as strongly. The Moby is almost there. Starting to see a little bit of nute burn on the new growth so I've cut the calmag sprays and now it's just water. Even though they are still essentially ground cover, I'm still having to leaf tuck a fair amount.
Pistils at High Noon

White Widow XXL [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] main cola day 23
WW XXL 2 day 23a.jpg

Closer-up of those pistils. Do I see what I think I see? Yummy trichomes starting already.
Trichomes on Pistils day 23.jpg

Another cola
WW XXL 2 day 23b.jpg

White Widow XXL [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] day 29
WW XXL day 29a.jpg

Moby Dick XXL day 29, I see you in there. Plus the earlier FIM looks to have netted me 4 tops (hidden).
MD XXL day 29.jpg
Pistils at High Noon

White Widow XXL [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] main cola day 23
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Closer-up of those pistils. Do I see what I think I see? Yummy trichomes starting already.
View attachment 1039995

Another cola
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White Widow XXL [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] day 29
View attachment 1039993
Moby Dick XXL day 29, I see you in there. Plus the earlier FIM looks to have netted me 4 tops (hidden).
View attachment 1039994

Lovely work with the fimming buddy and now it looks like the pre flower show has started :pass:

Let the real fun begin :bong:

Please keep the updates coming my friend :thumbsup:

All the best

So I thought I would check on this grow with a little love.

Love the experimentation and the advice. I will admit I wussed out on the Fim/topping but have done a bit of defoliating. I was going to LST but they are growing so even I haven't done much but support one that was growing so much her stem couldn't hold her up.

Tell me what you guys think.

And @dinafemMark if you could recommend me with a similar growing strain to the Moby Dick XXL cuz I'm looking to get something that is another hearty strain like these girls! :) I have some Critical autos that I believe are the origins of the strain but I want to get another dinafem strain I think after this.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
So I thought I would check on this grow with a little love.

Love the experimentation and the advice. I will admit I wussed out on the Fim/topping but have done a bit of defoliating. I was going to LST but they are growing so even I haven't done much but support one that was growing so much her stem couldn't hold her up.

Tell me what you guys think.

And @dinafemMark if you could recommend me with a similar growing strain to the Moby Dick XXL cuz I'm looking to get something that is another hearty strain like these girls! :) I have some Critical autos that I believe are the origins of the strain but I want to get another dinafem strain I think after this.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Damn, nice looking girls. You can always LST if they start getting too leggy. How tall is your tent? And do you have a journal up (if so please link it here so I can follow)? I'm pretty sure the MD XXL is Widow XXL and Haze XXL and that the Critical is somewhere in the Widow. Assuming the Internet is right.
Quick feeding update. Managed to score some Bud Igniter from a friend and applied it to the Moby and the older Widow. Going to leave the younger Widow as a control. It's supposed to increase bud sites when used at the start of flower. We'll see. :shrug:
The Best Kind of Threesome: Moby Dick XXL and 2 White Widow XXL....
Uh, if you think that is the best kind of threesome, then we need have a long talk.
Ok so it might be a marketing gimmick...we've got the good kind and the bad kind, figured "better" left the door open for someone else to one-up me. :smoking:

Also, how'd I miss this one?
Lovely work with the fimming buddy and now it looks like the pre flower show has started :pass:

Let the real fun begin :bong:

Please keep the updates coming my friend :thumbsup:

All the best

Yeah I'll have more on the fim when it's a little easier to see clearly. She's starting to get bushy.