Indoor White widow auto by ilgm

I think that's ok mine are foxtailing finally but it's heavy hear is a pic this is up to 80% humidity and 101 temp first 3 are mephisto and last ones are rqs x mephisto
Better pic of the last plant as u can see the heat is getting to it but still heavy and this is 10 days or so before cut now
I had a auto ultimate take 15wk I think the heat at the time stunted/slowed growth I mean I got 6.5oz from a 2gal some phenos are just loner flowering even with in same strain mephisto is good for this a lot of the time so it's common I would say
I had a auto ultimate take 15wk I think the heat at the time stunted/slowed growth I mean I got 6.5oz from a 2gal some phenos are just loner flowering even with in same strain mephisto is good for this a lot of the time so it's common I would say
I think when I over watered it slowed it right down. I think its had some good size it's just not budding how I'd hoped. May still come right. They reckon some strains fatten right up in the last 2 weeks
I think when I over watered it slowed it right down. I think its had some good size it's just not budding how I'd hoped. May still come right. They reckon some strains fatten right up in the last 2 weeks
Ya also like I was saying I've had phenos from auto ultimate that finished in 10 or 11wks but I've had 2 that took 14 to 15wks and the difference in how they and when they really packed it on. Also I've grown a few widows and most have been smaller size buds but really dense.
Ya also like I was saying I've had phenos from auto ultimate that finished in 10 or 11wks but I've had 2 that took 14 to 15wks and the difference in how they and when they really packed it on. Also I've grown a few widows and most have been smaller size buds but really dense.
These are still pretty soft so I'll have to weight and see. I've made a few boo boos so far so hopefully I'll learn from it and remember next grow Haha