Indoor White widow auto by ilgm

Dont know how I'm gonna go with this one. Still in very early in flower. Just doesnt seam a large plant. Really need to change to CFL light possibly through the winter
So think I've over watered again. This plant seams to hate the water compared to my last one. Humidity is slowly coming down. Unsure whether i should give it a trim or not. YouTube says yes. You guys have said yes but royal queen seads where I go to for alot of info says no. Hmm
So I'm abit worried/comfused I may have a deficiency. After a feeding some of my leaves bounce back up quite quickly yet some stay very sad for quite some time. I know it could be an over watering issue but could it also be something else. Waiting on a de humidifier as I'm still struggling to keep humidity down. Struggling to get it to low 50s let alone lower where I'd like it for flower.
I've noticed this plant doesnt have as much leaves through the flower as the last one. Unsure if this is good or bad. More energy going to bud instead of flower but less flower to obsorb energy. Is it something I've done or is it strain related