4th Year Anniversary
More struggles with this grow... I think it's safe to say the lighting change made a difference. Only problem is that one of the three is a dude...
@Johnny CannaSeed I bought these beans from you guys. Have you had anyone else report issues with them? "Feminized auto flower" that 2 of 3 didnt auto and so far 1 of 3 is a dude. Im not mad or putting yall on blast or anything. Just curious if others have had similar results since I can't seem to find any other grow logs.
RIP Auto Dubai Poison [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. We had HIGH hopes for you.
@Johnny CannaSeed I bought these beans from you guys. Have you had anyone else report issues with them? "Feminized auto flower" that 2 of 3 didnt auto and so far 1 of 3 is a dude. Im not mad or putting yall on blast or anything. Just curious if others have had similar results since I can't seem to find any other grow logs.
RIP Auto Dubai Poison [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. We had HIGH hopes for you.