Mephisto Genetics White Crack and Kis Organics Soil

I have tape around the water pipe and tight to the stalk as well as tape on aa couple areas on the sides to help extend over box .....

Any other pots in tent - any open? Stupid question I’m sure, just thinking problem thru my mind and typing as I go - what about water sources?
The only openings (in the Jrs) are the slack around the main stalk.

Local grow shop had predators. Incoming 3 prong attack. I am going to completely forego spraying anything at all and see how these 3 predators do their thing.
I have been taking my Pool Noodle and making small discs for the stems. Like Aerocloner pucks. I then tape the to the lid and put a paper cover over that. No pests getting in or out. What was the Soil mix you bought? Maybe they came free in it? I hope you get them taken care of soon. Peace, slow
@MrOldBoy , My new starter mix came today. I loaded up 4 Rootmakers with it, sone Mycos, and hydrated them. I put 4 seeds in water to soak less than 24 hours ago. I put all 4 seeds from SAG seeds Mystery Mix in water with a droplett of h2o2. I then put the cup of water and also the loaded Rootmakers on my seedling mat inside a black tote. I used scissors to cut the Rootmakers away from the flat so they are now individual and set them in a container to catch any runoff when I hydrated the Starter mix. This mix is really light feeling, it is all organic and gets good reviews.
I also loaded up 4 clear cups for cloning the Skunk Special. I typically clone in Coco. However I have taken 8 clones with the previous starter soil with 100% sucess. I like to load up the cups and let them warm up and cover the container with plastic wrap so they stay moist. Starter mix holds a lot more moisture than Coco, so I really make sure I push a majority of the moisture out of the cups before taking clones. Pretty excited to flip the Clones! The mom got taller than I need to flip asap so they stay the size I intend them to be....hopefully. First time running this strain to the end of flower. Not sure how much they will stretch? The strain is supposed to finish in 7 to 8 weeks after flipping. So I will prepare a top dressing for it and will put it on when I flip the lights. Loving this LOS! I am prepared and excited for my future plants sucess. Peace, slow
This dinafem bubba kush auto is aggressive


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This is the one plant I am growing in a pot. It is called sweet and sour and it looks great. I put a pic up of where a rookie tried to do some training and snapped the main trunk. Yet somehow the vascular system of this weed not only recovered, it healed up strong and is thriving! Some nice little colas are all joining at the same height.


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I juat transplantex 4 more clones into Juniors. 2 in each. I have to flip the first 4 ASAP. But I have to get my new tents first. My 7x7 that they are in ia the furthest thing from lightrproof at time. Gonna put the clones in the new 5x5 to flower once it gets here. I also bought 2 new 2x4 tents to start plants in. I am going to get a rack from Menards so I can use 1 of the 2x4 as a mom/clone chamber. I have some rebate money to spend there. The tents are only $53 each and the 5x5 is $85. I also have to replace my 4x8 tent. But it can wait a few weeks. I have had that tent for over 10 years. I would say I got my moneys worth out of her. The 7x7 is about 5 years. I never liked that tent from day 1. I will be happy to get rid of it and get 3 new tents to replace it. The 2x4 are perfect size and shape for starting Juniors and it will help with my rotation on my clones.
Well I weighed my White Crack today, and it was 98g. So with the samples, the yield was about 3.5oz. That is pretty much what I predicted, so I am really happy that I was even close. For the first try, I would say I did a decent job. I believe that with top dressing the yield would be about 5oz. I have a Forgotten Cookies thay is starting to preflower. I top dressed her yesterday with a little Flower Top Dress and Craft Blend. I watered those plants from the top today. I didnt measure out the top dressing amounts, it was 2 clear cups and a sprinkle of Craft blend in each one. The Forgotten Cookies is the first plant that I have top dressed this early. Looking at the instructions, I went light on the amount of top dress and Craft blend. So I am going to wait a few days and add a little more of each. They also said to top dress every 3-4 weeks. I think that I will just cut my Top dressings with some soil and top dress weekly at a lower strength to decrease chance of getting hungry.