Day 41. Still growing.
Flowers are coming. The smaller one is a little behind but was still heavy a flush yesterday so the larger plant got a half feed of hygro coco bloom a and b. Plus a teaspoon of molasses.
Plant looked abit sad thismorning. I presume it's just from its watering and possibly a high amount of humidity. Had alot of rain recently. I'll open some windows and raise my heater temp. Hopefully thatll drip the rh.
So this is a new one. My larger plant has been abit upset. Leaves indicate over or underwater. But shown no sign of any change when watered after the pot has gone light. Only have a small fan moving air in the tent so I'm doubting wind burn so I'm not really sure @Fitzy @St. Tom @MesaBoogie @Garage_Grower @Daipot @Vegasbear87 @Jpkindbud View attachment 1331815
ive had some plants who just always looked a little limp leaf wise also how much do you feed is it daily and just make sure your feeding to run off i also think its very hard to overwater a plant that age in coco
ive had some plants who just always looked a little limp leaf wise also how much do you feed is it daily and just make sure your feeding to run off i also think its very hard to overwater a plant that age in coco
I'm only giving the half feed nutes atm. I might up it tonight. It was very heavy still then yesterday went light. Yeah I watered til run off. I might up the feed tonight and see what she does. I'm only using half recommended dosage
ive had some plants who just always looked a little limp leaf wise also how much do you feed is it daily and just make sure your feeding to run off i also think its very hard to overwater a plant that age in coco
Not really any happier today. I'll up my feed and see what that does.
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