Great info!
So could you summarize that in a simple list of what you think should be on there?
Bwaaahhhh hahaha, Guilty as charged, I have been known to ramble, and to clarify I might have to ramble again in order to explain something I don't quite understand well enough to explain scientifically.
So here's my short list:
Watts consumed - easy
Lumens - from this and watts we can calculate efficiency. Whether it's for HID, LED, candles, whatever.
PAR watts - of all past measures and present this seems to be the closest to a measure of usable light quality from the plant's perspective. But we need to define the measure. Average? Center weighted? Something different, like how well it shines through your girlfriend's dress when she walks in front of the light? (This is my favorite, but don't think I'd buy a light based upon the results. Unless she kept walking by over & over. I bought a tent for that reason once

CCT / degrees Kelvin color spectrum
BTU's / heat generated
dB / sound generated (becoming less of an issue with COB's, but let's still ask for it in support of those who have an integrated LED system with cooling fans).
So let me ramble again to clarify that "I don't know what it is but I'll know it when I see it":
A year or so back, MARS Hydro was
re-vamping their website, and one of their sales reps asked what kinds of info growers would like to see of their products.
Among other things I said PAR watts and color spectrum. To their credit, they did both. Here is their PAR watt spec:
And CCT / color spectrum, along with a simple, meaningful, easy-to-understand 2700-3000 degrees Kelvin statement that didn't reproduce when I copied this chart:
Looks impressive, but WTF... I'm not a lighting engineer and while I somewhat understand the references presented in these pictures, you could put an artistically talented 12 year old at the dining room table with a box of colored pencils to draw the same charts & I wouldn't know the difference. But if I go back to my trusty dusty "The Cannabis Grow Bible", copyright 2003, a 600watt Sunmaster Super HPS Deluxe bulb is listed at 85,000 initial lumens, 205 PAR Watts and "around" 2K CCT (2,000 degrees Kelvin color rating- in the "Olde School" days, granularity was in 1000's). If I understand the PAR Watts chart, a 2'X2' center footprint under that light would generate between 830 and 950 PAR Watts at the edges, and 1400PAR at dead center. No matter how I average that chart, a difference of 205PAR for the 600W HID and 830-950-1400PAR for a 325W LED is unbelievable. What's wrong with my (their) picture??? How do we get this to a meaningful comparable method? Point being, a numeric value derived by all vendors in the same fashion is better than a colored chart that doesn't tell my dumb ass anything. But keep the charts coming - please - we need those so our smart specialists can interpret the specs for us lighting challenged bozo's.
And CCT / color spectrum - how do I take a chart that shows LED's of 440nm, 630nm & 660 nanometers, and convert that to the vendor's spec of 2700k-3000k?
To MARS Hydro's credit, they provided everything I asked for. I just didn't ask for it properly, and we never established meaningful measures that all could adhere to. I have a good hunch, the reputable lighting vendors will step up, and the fly-by-night bullshit artists will go away.
Except for Maurice. He can't even grow toenails. Not even with LED lighting. Maybe COB's are the answer for him.