Mephisto Genetics What is your baseline?

Now, I apologize in advance because I do you have a tendency to exaggerate for Dramatic purposes… And because I’m a bit of an a hole. :rofl: I just figured that with all of the “research” that people have been doing on this particular plant for the last 50 years plus, it would or should be relatively easy To say OK, if you have this light this dirt this fertilizer and this seed, you should expect this kind of performance/yield/quality within say 10% every time out of the gate. That clearly does not seem to be the case with this persnickety little weedAs you can’t really seem to be guaranteed of getting similar plants out of the same five pack of seeds that I’m guessing came from the same mother plant. Is it too much to ask? I mean, the most consistent solution appears to be to spend years finding one specific female plant that’s as close as possible to what you want and then clone it for the next 10 years. Otherwise you’re out of luckLOL
Not at all. One of the main reasons I grow Mephisto is there genetics are solid. I pull around 4-6 ounces every plant every 60-80 days. The truth is there is no right way to grow weed. You will have to experiment and see what works right for you. I have a close friend that is looking to start his own operation and I told him to come here after I gave him a few beans. A week later he comes back and is still asking the same questions. So I told his ass do this:

AutoPot system
Cob shop lights
Megacrop Nutrients
Mephisto Seeds

You can get started for around $500 or less and it will be hard to fuck it up.
So there is no right way to grow weed, But there are apparently an assload of ways to grow it wrong. :rofl: I have the MC and I have the HLG style light. Tent is next. Pots are still up in the air.
in the long run, my huge upgrade will actually end up being something along the lines of buying a second 135 W board or a comparable amount of Cobb lighting and move up to see a 2 x 4 tent. Small potatoes, but I’d like to be able to do something resembling predicting what I’m going to get each time. what are the problems with this particular hobby may be that a lot of people are really interested in seeing what kind of crazy crossbreeding they can do so that they can come up with a silly new name for the end product. LOL I don’t ever see myself having a basket on my bench with 30 different strains of seeds. I would like to find two or three
Not at all. One of the main reasons I grow Mephisto is there genetics are solid. I pull around 4-6 ounces every plant every 60-80 days. The truth is there is no right way to grow weed. You will have to experiment and see what works right for you. I have a close friend that is looking to start his own operation and I told him to come here after I gave him a few beans. A week later he comes back and is still asking the same questions. So I told his ass do this:

AutoPot system
Cob shop lights
Megacrop Nutrients
Mephisto Seeds

You can get started for around $500 or less and it will be hard to fuck it up.
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And I contrast that even with say “amateur gardener grade”’food seeds like say Burpee tomatoes. If you had the same kind of variation with their strains, they go back to the drawing board and figure out what they did wrong. I’m guessing that you always have a chance of getting some recessive gene to poke its head up, but if you’re trying to grow beefsteak tomatoes, you would probably be fairly irritated if 40% of them ended up being Roma’s
The difference is breeding. Those have been bred for hundreds of years. We have only really been growing autos for at most 15 years or so.
I have the MC and I have the HLG style light. Tent is next. Pots are still up in the air.
in the long run, my huge upgrade will actually end up being something along the lines of buying a second 135 W board or a comparable amount of Cobb lighting and move up to see a 2 x 4 tent. Small potatoes, but I’d like to be able to do something resembling predicting what I’m going to get each time. what are the problems with this particular hobby may be that a lot of people are really interested in seeing what kind of crazy crossbreeding they can do so that they can come up with a silly new name for the end product. LOL I don’t ever see myself having a basket on my bench with 30 different strains of seeds. I would like to find two or three
Then find a strain you like and stick with it. That’s the only way, is to grow some. Within each strain you will get a small amount of variances. With Mephisto typically it is going to be two different phenotypes. Getting them is a crap shoot. Some strains are more stable than others. Find one that is goin to fit your needs in the description and roll with it. Do one strain at a time til you get your skills up.
No, a lot of these modern hybrids are the product of the “green revolution“ of the 1950s through 1970s. But in a lot of those cases. They were breeding for very very specific goals, like pest resistance and drought resistant and longer post harvest decomposition resistance and such. And, of course, yield. Pot growers, even the professionals, seem to be less like Monsanto and more like Ben & Jerry’s in their approach. LOL
The difference is breeding. Those have been bred for hundreds of years. We have only really been growing autos for at most 15 years or so.
Derek, what strain would you recommend for my current one 30 W q.v. set up assuming that I would initially go either with a 2.5 x 2 gorilla lite or maybe the 20 x 36 x 63 tent from someone like yield lab? I am on my fifth plant and I have grown nothing but fast buds fastberry. All of the plants have been different. Number four was quite large and I’m currently on number five and it looks a bit stunted. The other four plants looked fairly similar for the most part. They were the non-stinky phenotype and I think any differences between them could be blamed on my incompetence for the most part. There was one plant that had buds that were a bit denser but not really much different in any other way. I gather that the blueberry auto type strains have been around long enough to be relatively stable,But I want something a bit different now. I would kind a like a sativa dominant strain, but one that doesn’t get 9 1/2 feet tall in an IKEA cabinet. LOL
Then find a strain you like and stick with it. That’s the only way, is to grow some. Within each strain you will get a small amount of variances. With Mephisto typically it is going to be two different phenotypes. Getting them is a crap shoot. Some strains are more stable than others. Find one that is goin to fit your needs in the description and roll with it. Do one strain at a time til you get your skills up.
Now, I apologize in advance because I do you have a tendency to exaggerate for Dramatic purposes… And because I’m a bit of an a hole. :rofl: I just figured that with all of the “research” that people have been doing on this particular plant for the last 50 years plus, it would or should be relatively easy To say OK, if you have this light this dirt this fertilizer and this seed, you should expect this kind of performance/yield/quality within say 10% every time out of the gate. That clearly does not seem to be the case with this persnickety little weedAs you can’t really seem to be guaranteed of getting similar plants out of the same five pack of seeds that I’m guessing came from the same mother plant. Is it too much to ask? I mean, the most consistent solution appears to be to spend years finding one specific female plant that’s as close as possible to what you want and then clone it for the next 10 years. Otherwise you’re out of luckLOL
This is the very reason most commecial grows are from clones or tissue regeneration. They know what they will get assuming the same consistent inputs.
And I contrast that even with say “amateur gardener grade”’food seeds like say Burpee tomatoes. If you had the same kind of variation with their strains, they go back to the drawing board and figure out what they did wrong. I’m guessing that you always have a chance of getting some recessive gene to poke its head up, but if you’re trying to grow beefsteak tomatoes, you would probably be fairly irritated if 40% of them ended up being Roma’s

If you grow pure landrace seed you will have a more homogeneous growth between plants. Hybrids will contain many, many more genetic variations. This has been done intentionally to try to improve/strenghten traits that we want like high THC or CBD or autoflowering. Along with the desireable traits comes the whole genome of other possibilities. These recessive genes can take the lead at any time and this is why you end up with so many "Phenos".

I personally enjoy the variation "Life is like a box of chocolates......... " you never know what you will get. The Lill'MOBstar I grew recently gave me a pheno I named the Buzzooka Pheno. It is absolutely amazing. The 3 other plants are very good but the Buzzooka is a stand-out.

Derek, what strain would you recommend for my current one 30 W q.v. set up assuming that I would initially go either with a 2.5 x 2 gorilla lite or maybe the 20 x 36 x 63 tent from someone like yield lab? I am on my fifth plant and I have grown nothing but fast buds fastberry. All of the plants have been different. Number four was quite large and I’m currently on number five and it looks a bit stunted. The other four plants looked fairly similar for the most part. They were the non-stinky phenotype and I think any differences between them could be blamed on my incompetence for the most part. There was one plant that had buds that were a bit denser but not really much different in any other way. I gather that the blueberry auto type strains have been around long enough to be relatively stable,But I want something a bit different now. I would kind a like a sativa dominant strain, but one that doesn’t get 9 1/2 feet tall in an IKEA cabinet. LOL
Yes what you have to realize being new at this, you are most likely more responsible for the cause in Large variation than the genetics. I am not taking a shot at your growing or saying you don’t know how. As with anything there is a learning curve and once you develop your skills more you will see less variation. I promise
This is the very reason most commecial grows are from clones or tissue regeneration. They know what they will get assuming the same consistent inputs.

If you grow pure landrace seed you will have a more homogeneous growth between plants. Hybrids will contain many, many more genetic variations. This has been done intentionally to try to improve/strenghten traits that we want like high THC or CBD or autoflowering. Along with the desireable traits comes the whole genome of other possibilities. These recessive genes can take the lead at any time and this is why you end up with so many "Phenos".

I personally enjoy the variation "Life is like a box of chocolates......... " you never know what you will get. The Lill'MOBstar I grew recently gave me a pheno I named the Buzzooka Pheno. It is absolutely amazing. The 3 other plants are very good but the Buzzooka is a stand-out.

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Perhaps my philosophical question is why do these commercial growers have to use clones? I don’t think that people growing heavily hybridized corn or wheat have to do that. I jokingly mentioned the Ben & Jerry’s thing because it seems to me that a lot of people are just throwing whatever into the pot and hoping that the next Chery Garcia will sprout. Lol
So there is no right way to grow weed, But there are apparently an assload of ways to grow it wrong. :rofl: I have the MC and I have the HLG style light. Tent is next. Pots are still up in the air.
in the long run, my huge upgrade will actually end up being something along the lines of buying a second 135 W board or a comparable amount of Cobb lighting and move up to see a 2 x 4 tent. Small potatoes, but I’d like to be able to do something resembling predicting what I’m going to get each time. what are the problems with this particular hobby may be that a lot of people are really interested in seeing what kind of crazy crossbreeding they can do so that they can come up with a silly new name for the end product. LOL I don’t ever see myself having a basket on my bench with 30 different strains of seeds. I would like to find two or three
+1 on Mephisto seeds, and on autopots. Have a look at the autopot review in my sig before you decide.

As to lights, I suggest not getting your shorts in too much of a knot over the specs of led lights. Just get yourself another panel like you have if you like it, and you should be fine. 270 watts of LED's will do very nicely in a 2x4 at >33 watts/ sq ft., and having two separate panels will allow adjustment for two different plants if that turns out to be helpful. Ideally, being dimmable can prove handy, so if that is an option, go for it.

It is true, I think, that the highest end LED's will get you more weed per watt hour, but the question is how much more, and at what cost?

Here is a quote from my review of results of my screw in light option:

I have a further perspective re. the yield I managed. I got just over 300 grams of dried bud and assumed an average of ~300 watts during the grow, for 1g/watt total. The 300 watt assumption if anything may be a bit high, so 1g/watt is likely a tad conservative for my grow. In any case, as I mentioned, I was fighting light and nute problems for a lot of the grow, and believe that I would have had higher yield had I lowered light intensity throughout and got the nutes sorted right from the start. If I assume that yield could go up by 20% or so, and that 250 watts would be good, the yield would be 360 grams/250 watts, or a bit more than 1.4g/watt, which is getting pretty close to the ~1.5 g/watt listed for the Mars Hydro TS series.
So, I think potential yield seems similar to other more expensive LED alternatives, and easy local availability of components can be advantageous. No doubt differences are there, but the question is how important they are to a small scale personal grower. I figure my power costs for lighting at 250 watts would be less than ~$30Cdn, so an increase in yield efficiency of 30% would save me something like $9 per grow, or less than 3 cents/gram. At that rate, it would take a fair number of grows to make up for higher cost alternatives even with a 30% improvement in yield efficiency, which I suspect is unlikely.
I include the quote not to convince you about screwins, but to illustrate the actual cost comparisons involved in deciding on lights. Bottom line is that, for us home growers, efficiency of LEDs is not that big a deal. Even significant increases in LED efficiency mean trivial savings in the power consumption for a small home grow. Who cares if a grow costs the price of a pint more than it would with better lights?​
If you have need to invest more bucks, get a good ph meter, preferably one that will measure pH in soil. And get or make a tent/growdrobe with all the height you can manage, especially if your lights are not dimmable.​
Just my 2 cents worth of course. :biggrin:
Happy growing, whatever setup you settle with. :pighug: