Mephisto Genetics What is your baseline?

As a new grower, one of the things that befuddles me is how much contradictory information and perhaps even misinformation There is on the inter-webz. Although, having read stuff about my other hobbies for years on the web, I really shouldn’t be surprised. An example relevant to this Mephisto conversation is the information available about growing auto flowers in an SOG set up. I might ask a question like what are the best strains for growing auto flower plants in SOG set up? And I will typically get at least one or two answers back saying you can’t do that no way, no how. SOG only works with clones of photo plants and they say that with same certainty that they would say the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning. Yet, I read Mephisto‘s description of say they’re 24 karat strain, And the breeder flat out tells you that this was their first strain and it was specifically bred to be grown in an SOG set up. What is even more amusing yet bewildering is when someone on here is told that and they tell you that they are right in the breeder of the strain is in fact wrong. This is not a big issue for those of you who have already figured all of this stuff out. But it is problematic for new people, especially when were trying to translate old information, contradictory information, and just flat out doggy information into somethingBut we can actually use.
I have been here for over 6 years in fact I have an AFN logo tattooed on my side. I have run one of the larger most successful auto grows on here(as of my last grow any way)

I am all about autos and helping out new folks. I promise if you ever need anything or have anything that needs clarification I will give you my honest experience based opinion and can also call on the other expert growers here to help as well. This is literally a collection of the best auto growers and breeders on earth. If you can learn who to take advice from that will go along way to helping sort out any contradictions. For the most part is that have been growing autos for a long time agree on just about all things, or can at least see the reason why folks do what they do with success. Here is a picture of my last grow it was an 11 lb haul in under 70 days it’s called the dream farm. Here is a link to the grow journal if you would like to read it

if you need anything don’t hesitate to tag me in any post or send me a PM. I am now back on daily so can usually answer pretty quick. If I don’t know the answer I know the folks on here that do. Happy growing my friend and I am stoked to see you get up n running
So are you saying that there is no way to determine these equivalencies so you never know how much light to give your plans? Thank you. You’ve been helpful. LOL
@jdm61 watts is a measurement of electrical work and has nothing to do with the measurement of the photons that make plants grow. The watts used by different lights will tell you how much electicity you have consumed but it tells you nothing about the PPFD produced by the device that used the power. PAR - photosynthetically available radiation , PPFD measures the amount of PAR that actually arrives at the plant, and DLI -Daily Light Integral, refers to the number of photons, received (ordinary by plants) during one day in the Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) region. Using these scientific measurements you can compare the efficiency of one light to another based on the plant's needs and also the energy used to get you there.

These are not the easiest measurements to make and stoners being stoners have in their stoned minds connected watts to the amount of PAR, PPFD produced by a lamp. It has no direct relationship and it is a fallacy to try to use it as such.
Or you could just box up your entire set up and ship it to me with detailed written instructions in alarge print Dr. Seuss style with pictures and I’ll take it from there. :headbang: :rofl:
I have been here for over 6 years in fact I have an AFN logo tattooed on my side. I have run one of the larger most successful auto grows on here(as of my last grow any way)

I am all about autos and helping out new folks. I promise if you ever need anything or have anything that needs clarification I will give you my honest experience based opinion and can also call on the other expert growers here to help as well. This is literally a collection of the best auto growers and breeders on earth. If you can learn who to take advice from that will go along way to helping sort out any contradictions. For the most part is that have been growing autos for a long time agree on just about all things, or can at least see the reason why folks do what they do with success. Here is a picture of my last grow it was an 11 lb haul in under 70 days it’s called the dream farm. Here is a link to the grow journal if you would like to read it View attachment 1202230

if you need anything don’t hesitate to tag me in any post or send me a PM. I am now back on daily so can usually answer pretty quick. If I don’t know the answer I know the folks on here that do. Happy growing my friend and I am stoked to see you get up n running
Or you could just box up your entire set up and ship it to me with detailed written instructions in alarge print Dr. Seuss style with pictures and I’ll take it from there. :headbang: :rofl:

Hello Mate! I am hoping the site and everyone has been good to you as they have me since I began my journey a few years ago. For your original question, I was running into the exact same thing. So I spent a decent amount of time researching the shit and wrote a small guide on lighting. It is in my signature below. feel free to check it out and if you have any questions, ask away and I will do my best to answer them. Happy Growing!
Or you could just box up your entire set up and ship it to me with detailed written instructions in alarge print Dr. Seuss style with pictures and I’ll take it from there. :headbang: :rofl:
Interestingly enough that is exactly what I am doing. I am working on an all in one system that is basically fail proof. Stay tuned for updates
So are you saying that there is no way to determine these equivalencies so you never know how much light to give your plans? Thank you. You’ve been helpful. LOL
Not at all. Good quality lights have all of the information you need to make precise decisions on how to run your lights.

You can measure your PAR with a PAR meter but they are not cheap. This is the information provided by the maker of my lights:

ScreenHunter_256 Apr. 27 21.55.jpg
Now, I apologize in advance because I do you have a tendency to exaggerate for Dramatic purposes… And because I’m a bit of an a hole. :rofl: I just figured that with all of the “research” that people have been doing on this particular plant for the last 50 years plus, it would or should be relatively easy To say OK, if you have this light this dirt this fertilizer and this seed, you should expect this kind of performance/yield/quality within say 10% every time out of the gate. That clearly does not seem to be the case with this persnickety little weedAs you can’t really seem to be guaranteed of getting similar plants out of the same five pack of seeds that I’m guessing came from the same mother plant. Is it too much to ask? I mean, the most consistent solution appears to be to spend years finding one specific female plant that’s as close as possible to what you want and then clone it for the next 10 years. Otherwise you’re out of luckLOL
Now, I apologize in advance because I do you have a tendency to exaggerate for Dramatic purposes… And because I’m a bit of an a hole. :rofl: I just figured that with all of the “research” that people have been doing on this particular plant for the last 50 years plus, it would or should be relatively easy To say OK, if you have this light this dirt this fertilizer and this seed, you should expect this kind of performance/yield/quality within say 10% every time out of the gate. That clearly does not seem to be the case with this persnickety little weedAs you can’t really seem to be guaranteed of getting similar plants out of the same five pack of seeds that I’m guessing came from the same mother plant. Is it too much to ask? LOL
Yes because two different seeds from the same mother are brothers and sisters therefore they can look kinda like their mom or kinda like their dad. If you have a sibling, they are also a “seed” from the same mother and father (presumably) each will not look or act or preform exactly like the other. Does that make sense?
And I contrast that even with say “amateur gardener grade”’food seeds like say Burpee tomatoes. If you had the same kind of variation with their strains, they go back to the drawing board and figure out what they did wrong. I’m guessing that you always have a chance of getting some recessive gene to poke its head up, but if you’re trying to grow beefsteak tomatoes, you would probably be fairly irritated if 40% of them ended up being Roma’s
Similar but definitely not within 10% ya know.