Not my latest, or greatest oh no for this is the bottom of the barrel budz from last falls outdoor harvest, but hey somethings always better than nothing
Oil in a big long one made from strawberry haze just before I jump in the bath. Wow such a different smell from weed and it makes you well drift away to the land of any where. Only small drags as it makes your eyes water when you get a right lung full.
blend of 3/4 Yodas Dragon Breath and 1/4 Medgom. It's unlike any stone I've ever tried, not a lot of THC, very seductive. I use it most days, which is over twice as much as my previous blends.
You don't feel all that messed up, but play a competitive video game and you are going to get slaughtered.

I haven't tried Medgom by itself yet, it's curing. I like YDB, might get more if they are still available later.