Smoking some chemdog-type bud a fellow noob grower grew. Actually, he's a grow ahead of me. I sampled some of his first, and it was embarrassing. But this time he nailed it. Hope I can do as well!
Smoking some chemdog-type bud a fellow noob grower grew. Actually, he's a grow ahead of me. I sampled some of his first, and it was embarrassing. But this time he nailed it. Hope I can do as well!
You can br549 I think so
Some Blueberry vaping guys...I've considered this one a mutant, with weird, rough and stiff leaves, all stems are covered in crystals (I chew them LOL)! light, somewhat fluffy buds. The smoke is medium strength, very pleasant, introspective, slightly harsh (1 month into cure).
Today it's white dawg and got some purple urkle ,some chocolate diesel to I love the white dog but that urkle lays me out and then the chocolate diesel gets me going again .all Oregon dispensary but the right techniques it could all be a lil cleaner ugg
`s amazing how many folks grow and end up with `toilet`! It`s one of the things that our community excels at...Honest truth from bean to cure...and beyond! Strain is very important (for potential!), but, the grow and cure mean much more to me! I`m a Virgo and while I reckon all that stuff is bollocks...I still find m`self looking for imperfections in any Meds I grow or purchase! (Purchased weed is generally a let down, but then it`s `cultivated for profit, not connersoirs (not that I`m arrogant enough to consider m`self one of those snobby fluckers, but I am a bit fussy! :biggrin:) :growing: :smokeit:
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It`s amazing how many folks grow and end up with `toilet`! It`s one of the things that our community excels at...Honest truth from bean to cure...and beyond! Strain is very important (for potential!), but, the grow and cure mean much more to me! I`m a Virgo and while I reckon all that stuff is bollocks...I still find m`self looking for imperfections in any Meds I grow or purchase! (Purchased weed is generally a let down, but then it`s `cultivated for profit, not connersoirs (not that I`m arrogant enough to consider m`self one of those snonny fluckers, but I am a bit fussy! :biggrin:
I'm with you man, ever since I started growing I don't care for "grown for profit" weed. Growing is more of an escape and therapy for me and in the end it shows