NEWS What are the charges for illegal grows canada

I believe in those provinces that do not allow home grows that it is a means to force patients and rec users (many of whom i think are actually using it therapeutically) to buy from the government/large Corp for their own revenue. I don’t believe they have their taxpayers’ (yes, all of us that pay their wages and are employed by us) best interest or they would have consulted people that use it, grow it, process it, etc. I still believe there is a ton of stigma and ignorance held against all aspects of cannabis by those that are making these laws but they won’t mind cashing in on it.
For the rest of my country (speaking as a vet), this is a common sense call.
If you plan on growing with any reserve through winter a medical license is the way to go , in order to grow outside.
What has me a little bewidlered, is that it's typical of the Quebec government to be assholes and do things different than the rest of the country.
Whats the take on the Manitoba government?...unless you're competing with THEIR OWN GROWS?

This is in fact food for thought.
it's my understanding from what I've found on the web that, pollen will travel several miles outside.
If we all have plantations outside, we may in fact contaminate the legal grow op with our pollen.
I can understand that concern from that perspective.
Then just let us know so!! right?
I thought about this with that site over grow Canada that was giving anyone hemp seeds to plant everywhere could you imagine if people were actually doing that and all the male hemp plants that would be around screwing up everyone's grow
*deepbreath* Imo sativa is an indigenous plant and certain genomes can be found in the wild, you should consider our seeds grandfathered in under the current law. despite the law as, the policy of not enforcing seeds as unlawful on any scale ever is the practice and to legalize cannabis and expunge criminal records is to say the law was unjust. Provincially it's a matter of continuing to fight for the end of prohibition as it's a federal jurisdiction under the constitution. if one pleads guilty in a provincial court you are guilty. but if you plead not guilty and believe in your rights, eventually you'll be in front of the judge who is genuinely in charge of the jurisdiction. that is the judge who decides the precedent. this is where vaguely written laws are defined. but if it's about pollen drifting then you will be in a civil court being sued under patent laws while your sovereign rights are crushed by the agri industry. I suspect the entire slant is thanks to that billion dollar lobby which we first seen in the US midwest with Monsanto taking the family farm, something that has only spread because of their gmo patent seed and the current Canadian wording seems to be custom made to do that to cannabis and sadly in Canada the precedent already exists. the suggestion will be you are trying to steal their seeds where licensing and patents exist.
This is an excellent concept, and thanks for sharing your point of view.
I'm starting to wonder if " as a collective", we shouldn't be having patents made on our grows while we still can.
My wording on my thought is going to be screwed up, but you'll get my point in a second.

I wonder if I A.K.A, John Doe Smith can have a patent for my grown seeds and plants.
Kinna like open software which is public free knowledge for the using?...and is free for modifications.
I suspect this might be like a splinter in someones rectum from an agricultural point of view.
Monsanto, please bend over and take a DEEP breath.
I bought Blue Dream and NL buds from a dispensary and I found a seed in them. I planted2 in my yard and damn if the didn't get pollinated by some local backyard grow. I now have 20k+ legit seeds. Lol
I bought Blue Dream and NL buds from a dispensary and I found a seed in them. I planted2 in my yard and damn if the didn't get pollinated by some local backyard grow. I now have 20k+ legit seeds. Lol
This is where the law gets real squirrelly.
Federal law implies your seeds are good to go, they were produced legally. Ontario however... I don't know where they stand on seeds produced legally from legally sourced stock. I'm waiting for an answer from them.
I think the O.P.P. have better things to do.
Unless of course you're growing beyond 4 plants.
In which case you better get a prescription for cannabis, and legaly grow say only 50 to 400 plants:smokeout:

I'm just say'n
This is where the law gets real squirrelly.
Federal law implies your seeds are good to go, they were produced legally. Ontario however... I don't know where they stand on seeds produced legally from legally sourced stock. I'm waiting for an answer from them.
I think they would have a tough time showing that seed found in legally purchased cannabis is not legit. Unless of course there is a watertight definition in law that clearly excludes bag seed found in legal cannabis, and I doubt that there is such a definition. Should I one day get dragged in front of a judge about seeds, I will use that defense and report back, hopefully not soon. I suspect that the enforcement gang have better things to do than try to chase down the origin of someone's seed if all they are growing is 4 or less plants. OTOH, I have been full of shit before... :biggrin:
so many people put the cuffs on themselves believing they can talk their way out of it. meanwhile, it's always an investigation. don't let pride and ego be your defence team. there 'll be plenty of time for that once you get out of the clink. we've seen this advice but it deserves repeating and this is true before , during and after.. it's more true in Canada than the States.. have a good day and keep smiling ;)