I have a medical license to grow.
It was issued in September. (exp. Sept. 2020)
In reviewing the conditions of the license.
Nowhere does it say I have to procure seeds from a Canadian government source.
Kinna like making a U turn, you can do so, unless we tell you , you cannot.
Where exactly in the Cannabis act does it say YOU HAVE TO buy seed ffrom the government?
Also, does this apply to recreational, or medical as myself?
Ok , so for the medical folks, the Customs and immigration people will have objections. (Canada Post etc.).
This leads to a new idea.
Canada Post sell (smellproof) bags at the post office.
If you review the list of products that you CANNOT send through the mail that smells, it kinna limits the bags being sold for pot transport only.
Here in Quebec, up until about a month ago.
Like Manitoba, we COULD NOT grow for any reason , including medical ( never inforced).
Then someone challenged that law. The provincial judge presiding called the provincial law UNCONSTITUTIONAL according to Canadian law.
So basically, we've been able to grow pot without the menace of our local provincial police wasting time hunting down small growers.
Until this becomes provincial law.
Quebec will fine its citizens $200 for growing cannabis at your residence.
Unless of course you got a medical license, in which case,...the knuckle heads at the govenment don't want to go to court and be seen in the media.
Moral of the story, if you live in MB or Qc.,...go online do the skype thing with a medical practionner,...pay your $200 and grow you 20-400 plants.
My license grants me 15 outside and 55 inside.
YES I DID SAY 15 OUTSIDE AND 55 INSIDE,....there again,...nowhere does the license say,....and/or...
So its 70 plants in all for about $200 of consulting fees, wait 2 or 3 monthes....and then you get the license.
The license is good from the moment you get it to grow legal, up to the expiry date.
At which point you need to send in a new request to Ottawa for a renewal.
If you family doctor is an asshole, he won't wanna sign.
Then it costs you $200 to $1000 to get a license.
Or go onlince, legit, signed with legal Canadian medical license for authorisation....and Bob is your uncle.
By the way, the license gives you particular rights for storage, grow sites...etc..etc.
You are, however not allowed to share your harvest.....unless the recipient also has a grow license).
Read between the lines!!!