The new light is in! 600W EMPEROR HPS
The girls have decided to give me a sneak peak and started showing white pistils. WOOT WOOT. As I mentioned earlier all of last week I gradually increased the dark hrs. The timer is now set to 12/12 after a 24 hr dark period!
Excited for what's to come hopefully things keep progressing well.
Here's a few quick pics gave the ladies a pluck, some lst and a misting!
I widened space and very happy about it!
Will take some better shots tomorrow once I set up my 2, 4ft t5ho bulbs along the sides.
I'm thinking about adding LED as well what do you guys think? Hehehe I just can't resist!!
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The girls have decided to give me a sneak peak and started showing white pistils. WOOT WOOT. As I mentioned earlier all of last week I gradually increased the dark hrs. The timer is now set to 12/12 after a 24 hr dark period!
Excited for what's to come hopefully things keep progressing well.
Here's a few quick pics gave the ladies a pluck, some lst and a misting!
I widened space and very happy about it!
Will take some better shots tomorrow once I set up my 2, 4ft t5ho bulbs along the sides.
I'm thinking about adding LED as well what do you guys think? Hehehe I just can't resist!!
Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk